"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, Who is in you, Whom you have received from God? ... So use every part of your body to give glory back to God..." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Great minds think alike.

The Letter "Q"
"Quirky"..Just sounds funny!

The car said the temperature was -20.  Danielle (My running partner) sent me a text message while I was at work yesterday, "..PROMISE me you won't run outside....".
I was Gym bound.
Lacey and I

Honestly, Lacey and I went to Stoney Creek on Thursday for our long run. It was so cold and windy that it burned. When Lacey came to the door, I tried to change her mind. "Lacey, I have a nice membership at Genesys Athletic Club we could run inside..."
She was excited to go on a adventure. Neither of us had ever ran at Stoney Creek Metropark.
But when we headed to leave I heard Lacey's voice in the garage "Nita, Um, I locked the keys in my car, running."
I couldn't stop laughing. I was thinking "GOD, I am not a mistake, you made another person just like me."
We should have taken that as a sign. But all endorphin-ed up we called the tow truck place and within 15 minutes we were on the road.

WORST RUN EVER. I only had an inch of my skin showing. The little bit I had showing got ripped off and blasted with 30 mph winds. My fingers burned in the frigid temps. We saw multiple "Snownados" winding in front of us.
"Worst" is a strong word, how about Most Grueling. Most Frigid.

That run was still very permanent in my mind. Probably because I was still recovering from the terror it.
I also began getting sick on Friday night. I didn't run on Friday or Saturday due to scheduling, sickness, outside temps and my promise to Danielle.

I was all over the idea of going to the gym to get my 10 miler in.
Even though I was still under the weather, I reminded myself I would feel better with my feet turning over on the indoor track.

The track was packed. Apparently, everyone had the same brilliant idea.

4 miles of just getting comfortable with myself. Then it was a couple miles of getting comfortable with everyone around me. I began to pick off other runners.
Then I saw 2 very familiar runners.
Ken and Andy from our running club.
Andy has calves as big as Oakland County and Ken is a very disciplined runner.
The two of them had no idea, to my knowledge, I was behind them.
With just a few inches between each other I loudly shouted "Excuse me, coming through...." As I barged my way between them. Andy turned around like he was going to punch me. Ken just looked confused.
"OH, you are lucky, I was like, WHO IS THIS, I am going to kick her." Andy said laughing at me.
We all laughed for a minute then talked about our run. I chatted for a bit until I saw I guy I was picking off of pass me, then peeled off.

Just as I was finishing, I noticed Jenn. She too was in our club. It was awesome to see everyone, so I added another mile or so with all 3 of them. Actually, I am pretty positive it was more than 1 mile, but who is counting in great company.

The Rundown:
Distance : 11 miles GAC Track, 10m @81minutes

Week Total:
Monday: 7 miles
Wednesday: 6 miles
Thursday: 13 miles
Sunday: 11 miles
TOTAL: 37 miles

Familiar faces are so fun. Running around the track, around and around can be so mentally painful.
It was so nice to run out of the elements and inside with those like minded!

What is the WORST conditions you have ever ran?


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