SHORTS..I have the Ugliest legs..Mine are in the middle, the ones with the most scars! |
Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
FINALLY, I did it. I applied for entry into ING New York City. I have about a 1 in 8 chance of getting my name pulled in the lottery. The odds are really against me. But I am going to remain optimistic and give it to God.
The Lottery will be held April 27, that's a FRIDAY. The drawings will be conducted using a random number selection algorithm to choose entrants from each applicant pool. (tristate, US, International)
After last years Detroit half marathon time, You remember..1:37:02, It was those 2 seconds that prevented me from having Guaranteed Entry that I have put it off, grieving.
You have successfully applied for entry for the ING New York City Marathon 2012, Your entry number is 944414. Please write down your entry number or print and save this confirmation page in your records as you will need this number in the future.
So with less than 2 months away..We shall see..... Let go and Let God.
They were calling for Thunderstorms today. As I was taking Austin and Alec to school I was sharing the weather forecast. 50% chance of Storms. Austin replied, "Yeah but mom that means it could be 50% chance of good weather." Well there you go!! I liked his answer. And that was the answer that defined most of my day. Sunny and Beautiful out.
It made for a great run with the girls. Katie did awesome today. And Danielle with her cheetah legs had to reign in those blazing legs. We all showed up at Indian Springs in shorts. The temperature was in the 60's.
I was feeling pretty good but my allergies really are giving me a run for my money! I went to bed last night early after taking NyQuil and 2 Bayer Aspirin. I think I sneezed about a hundred times. That meant I probably peed my pants to! When I sneeze it is always in a series of 4 or 5 obnoxious, jerking, spit flying blows. I try to cross my legs but sometimes they just come out of no where! All the things you didn't need to know!!
The run went well. Danielle made Home made strawberry jam and gave us each a jar. I can hardly wait to dig into that, I have to hide it till them..BOYS!
Speaking of things given to me. Here are a couple more things given to me that I am going to try today:
1. Heidi from work gave me a recipe for Crockpot Butterscotch Pudding Cake. Which is currently in the crock pot as we speak..I can not wait to try it.
2. My client gave me some quail. No idea how to cook it. I have it in a saucepan as we speak also. I added garlic, onion, chicken stock, thyme, salt and pepper and basil OH and BACON! I am going to cook it off the bones. then make a sauce with the stock and serve it over pasta. I think..Well thats the plan....
3 hours later.. I came home from my addiction meeting to discover 2 out of 3 enjoyed dinner and the Cake was a huge success. I had a bowl...and I think I want another.....
“Some of us think holding on makes us strong, but sometimes it is letting go.” — Herman Hesse
Good luck with the lottery! I thought about putting my name in the hat too. Still not sure. Perhaps once we get our taxes finished up. My BIL said he'd spot me the lottery fee if I didn't get in, but offers not much help if I do. He couldn't even say if he would still live in NYC by race time, which would have me really in a mess! Too bad I didn't go for it last year!