I wasn't really into the run all that much but when I turned unto the same street twice I should have known it was going to be one of those days. As if running in circles was not bad enough my 7 mile run got trumped by 45 degrees and pouring rain. 5 miles seemed to be a better number, a warmer number, but by the time I arrived home I was shivering and soaked to the bone.
Hungry. Angry, Lonely. Tired
I over packed my day, ran on fumes, didn't eat properly, and SNAPPED!
It was 8:30 at night and I had already been to 2 places and called one trying to find a turkey that was larger than 20 LBS. Denied, Denied, Denied.
I was on my way into Fenton for my last try at a turkey. Mom was at home making cookies and playing word with friends and I was still going, running in circles. I had already been to Fenton today. Now I am going back to Fenton.Ugh. I must have put a 100 miles on the truck today. I wanted to pull my hair out. I wanted to be making cookies, I wanted to be laughing. Instead mom called in the middle of my breakdown and I said a couple snotty things to her.I felt bad I had just barked at mom. This was not me. HALT. I had hardly eaten today, ran myself ragged, and now I am mad.
I woke up this morning convicted and sad. I made my coffee and grabbed my bible and began praying. Mom was at the forefront. I asked for forgiveness and decided once it was a decent hour I would call and say sorry. Just then my Phone RANG! It was MOM!! How Weird! Perfect timing as I purged my Boneheadedness from the night before. Mom responded with "Nita, I am coming over to help you, we will get it all done, whatever you want I will do, make me a list." This made me feel even more guilty. Why is she being so good to me when I was such a turdface? But I took her up on it. She helps all her kids. She is a amazing mother. The most giving and generous mom I know. I always try to be so organized and strong but I clearly failed. I Needed Help. And she was such an Angel to hear my distress and heartache and not get mad a me instead.
Mom and Sarah~ |
My niece Sarah spent the night and mom came over at 11am. I still can not believe how much we got done.I am so grateful to love and forgiveness. I am thankful for second chances. They come with humility. I knew I had done wrong. It didn't matter how little I ate or how much I did, I didn't HALT. I didn't recognize the signs that were being harvested that would lead to MY Bad Attitude. You can help prevent vomit of the mouth or bad action by remembering this simple acronym..HALT. HUNGRY. ANGRY. LONELY. TIRED. To keep yourself from running in circles, plan to prevent. Recognize the triggers.
The Rundown:
My running partner traded me in for her boyfriend this morning. I didn't get my 8 miles in but I still got my sweat on!
5miles on Bike
5 miles on Dreadmill, intervals.
NOTE: the comment about my running partner ditching me was meant jokingly. When I wrote it I was saying it carefree, but I re-read it and can see that it could be misinterpreted. I apologize for any hurt feelings that was not my intention.