"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, Who is in you, Whom you have received from God? ... So use every part of your body to give glory back to God..." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Running or Swimming or both.

"We all swim deep in the rivers of our ancestry." The Broken Road

The last couple weeks I have been looking back at those who came before me.
Even though no one ran in my family, my family were still all runners.
They ran from their mistakes.
They ran from their past.
They ran to the bottle, booze, or pills.
They all ran in so many ways.

Even though my running is more physical in nature, in so many ways I see my running just as crazy as the running that was done by those who came before me.
Excessive to some.
Extreme to others.
Outrageous to many.

All of which, I still find myself doing the doggie paddle behind those who came before me, only I am swimming with a different purpose and in a different direction.

The month of September began with a great victory, Woodstock 100k was a success. Unfortunately, September held a few disappointments, Rejection from The Boston Marathon and the deferment of MCM, due to the tragic accident of my sister in law breaking her back, devastating her dream.

Injury has been lurking too close to comfort the last few weeks. I have had soft tissue tenderness below my right knee since Woodstock.
For several weeks I have kept my miles down as to not compromise my long run.
This has allowed my long runs to be stronger than normal.
SUNDAY, Lacey and I ran the Polly Ann trail and the week prior we ran the Paint Creek trail. Both runs I felt great.
Sunday really surprised me. After running 18 miles, I waited for my body to break down only to discover my legs felt stronger. I led the last 2 miles, pushing the pace and finishing mile 22 at a 8:39min/mi.
MONDAY, I called it in. I decided not to run at ALL. Rain scattered throughout the day making my  decision really easy and guiltless.
The leaves are just starting to lighten up. The trails had a lot of hikers today. We found this little pooch beaten up and running by herself on the trails. She joined us. Sadie, was bleeding on her face and looked like she had gotten into something. It was sad, as she ran with us she would wimper. Melissa and Erin found her tags and called. They owner was on the trails about a mile behind us. We were able to get Sadie reunited with her mama. 

TODAY, was a fun trail run with Erin and Melissa. I had time to do more than 1 loop but I didn't!
Less than 3 weeks until I run Detroit Free Press Marathon.
This is the first time I am just not feeling the pressure. I feel so content.
The temps were warmer. My company was so sweet. Erin, Melissa and I took turns inquiring with one another. Our conversation was deep and interpersonal. Each one of us sharing parts of ourselves that were reserved. I loved how each of us inquired details from one another. It was such a sweet time. We shared our ancestry in one fashion or another.

I smile at my heritage. Not because it was beautiful, but because it was beautiful.
a beautiful disaster.
Because in all its imperfections it was perfectly orchestrated.
I can see soo many places, so many years, so many situations God directed me, provided for me, healed me, comforted me and forgave me.
In my darkest hours, my loneliness moments I was never alone.
Soo many tears, screaming fits, rants, depression that I saw no hope.
HE never left me.
And I smile.

Today I am grateful for sweet friendships.


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