"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, Who is in you, Whom you have received from God? ... So use every part of your body to give glory back to God..." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Monday, September 24, 2018

It's not a Nonscense.

"Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean its nonsense." Lemony Snicket

There are many things I don't understand, most of which I really don't even try to understand.
For instance, Why do I have to wait so long to find out if I got into the Boston Marathon?

I am trying to remain calm, almost apathetic. I am trying to locate this perfect balance that will still allow me HOPE but not too much hope that if I don't get in I am grieving and wearing black for the next 6 months.
Balance right?

I have heard no news. The only information I have heard is it will probably be at least Thursday for them to calculate numbers. It doesn't sound like they have a lot of numbers calculated to be accepted but I am trying to stay positive.

"Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean its nonsense." Lemony Snicket

Tomorrow, I will sit amongst a few hundred addicts, recovering and active along with friends and family members that love them. 

Addiction to many appears like "Nonsense". Many people do not understand addiction and many more believe they do understand it but scoff it. 

Addiction isn't just a illness, It is a PERSON. 
Addiction is someone's mother, father, someone's sibling, someone's child. 
Addiction has a FACE. 
Addiction has a heartbeat. 
Addiction has become a statistic, a headline, a study and another number. We have become so calloused we have taken the skin off addiction. 

Tomorrow, I will lovingly and excitedly sit in the middle of someone's story. I will see their pain, hear their tragedy and love them for their heartbeat.  

We have so many differences circulating around us. Different isn't always wrong. 
Perceptions, opinions, ideas are so individual. 
It is remembering that even if we don't understand or agree with something doesn't mean it is nonsense
Be kind. Be respectful. Don't allow your ego to examine others or their ideas. 

This is just another area I try to work on for myself. 

Boston 2013. The year of the Bombings, 20 minutes prior. 

Where: Holdridge
Distance: 5 miles

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