"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, Who is in you, Whom you have received from God? ... So use every part of your body to give glory back to God..." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Monday, March 4, 2019

A Warrior or a Worrier

"So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
Isaiah 41:10 

Are you are Warrior or a Worrier?
I loved this little questionnaire in my running Journal

I am rather laid back. There was a day I was a worrier. A day when I had multiple panic attacks and locked myself in the bathroom at work thinking I was having a heart attack. A day when I would worry so bad I would bite all the skin off my tongue, I know gross. A day when I would worry myself so sick I would be in the bathroom vomiting. I was afraid of tomorrows, afraid of people, afraid of myself, I would worry about the unknown, the unimaginable and the unacceptable.
But that day isn't so much anymore.
I think a lot of it was growing up in chaos. Living with an addicted mother you knew could die any day.
So many fears and not enough tools to work through life.

Today, I look at fears as challenges.
Opportunities to overcome.

Trail running offers so many elements to overcome fears. It really is exciting to me.

In the summer, you are overcoming hours of heat, bugs, nutrition and hydration issues. You are often out there so long you get caught in thunderstorms seeing wildlife and jumping snakes. In the winter, you never know what the trail will look like. Running through fresh snow or trying to stay upright on ice covered trails is always a challenge.
But you just have to tackle that downhill with no fear, tree hopping or sliding in mud, you just need to do it fearless.
If you are worried about running trails or constantly concerned about the unknown then you should probably stick to roads.

HOWEVER, I haven't been on the trails the last week and possible for the next few weeks. I have a road marathon at the end of March, Ann Arbor Probility Marathon. Currently, running trails doesn't frighten me as much as it annoys me.
I need a faster turn over for my road marathon, therefore, for me it just isn't good training right now.

February Miles: 197.3
Last weeks Miles: 54
Last Weeks Goals; Shorter Faster Runs=ACCOMPLISHED
I ran 5 days last week, 3 days I only ran SINGLE Digit Runs but ran them stronger and faster.
(My ultimate goal is Kettle Moraine 100k in June, this marathon is designed to get me stronger and faster for my 100k.)

I am really happy with my run week. The weather was gnarly, bitter cold but I still sucked it up and got it done.
Sunday was my LAST LONG RUN. 22 miles at Kensington Metropark adding on Island Lake at a 9:23min/mi. Initially, I was WORRIED.. Kensington is hilly, it is a tough run and 22 miles out there ain't not joke. Funny thing, yesterday morning I watched a video with "THE ROCK" in it. I was so inspired. He showed grit, sweat and pain. Every time I felt tired I thought of his grit.
All Smiles after our long COLD Kensington RUN. 

"So do not fear, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
Isaiah 41:10 

But ultimately when I am weak I seek Lord. I know Fearlessly He has me covered. He will strengthen me, he will remove my anxiety, he will calm me. It is really more exciting to me knowing he is taking care of me. In Running, that is part of the adventure. 


Training Tip: "Clothing is a runners shelter" When running in cold weather you are only as good as the layers you put on. Getting over heated can be a serious problem. Sweat gets wet and can really be uncomfortable if you cool off in the cold.  Typically three layers works best, a base layer, a moisture wicking later and a shell to protect you from wind. STAY away FROM COTTON! Cotton is not a good insulator when wet from sweat or any other liquid. 


  1. I've done a few trail races, but sadly I just can't warm to them! I guess I have a "keep it basic" style: I like it to be me, the road and the clock. But, you do you for sure!

    1. Hi Stephen, They are not for everyone, it is such a different mental thought. I Love being in the woods, away from the daily pollution of modern life. Its weird for me. I love how organic it feels.
