"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, Who is in you, Whom you have received from God? ... So use every part of your body to give glory back to God..." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Strength and Joy

"yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior. 19The Sovereign LORD is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights." Habakkuk 3:16-19

Do you ever wake up, grab your coffee and feel yesterdays anxieties begin to mingle with todays agenda?
With barely a sip of coffee in me, I could feel yesterdays chaos intertwining with my morning. I was trying to relax and enjoy my cuppa Joe but my heart was a bit anxious. I grabbed my devotional and began reading, rereading and slowly the Holy Spirit began melting my heart. I could feel His words softening me, calming me.
As I read, I looked outside and smiled. It was so beautiful out. The sun was coming up over the pine trees and a pink haze shadowed below the soft blue sky.
BUT is was frigid. Another icy winter day.

My body has been acting up on me, I had awoke fatigued and lazy.
With each word of encouragement I found myself encouraged. I felt motivated, strong and excited to tackle the day.
Life can get really exhausting at times.
I was reminded when I am depleted Gods word fills my tank again.

When I FOCUS on HIM that is when I am strengthened. Not when I am focused on others, or things or social media, all these things are distractions. They derail you and can tend to deplete or confuse you.

It is so important to fill yourself up on things that encourage you.
That is Gods word FIRST. (This is not everyday...Honestly, I try but if I  am being truthful, I struggle keeping my focus)

You can only give what you have. If you have no HOPE, you can not give HOPE. If you have no STRENGTH, you can not give STRENGTH.
If you have no ENCOURAGMENT you can not give ENCOURAGMENT.
Learn to fill your tank up. Pick your company well.

My devotion today was so perfect. 

Another blistering cold day. It was below 0' out.
My friends were running outside but as much as I had FOMO, I did not get baited in.
(FOMO=fear of missing out)

I weigh 105lbs and I am 5'2, running with 10lbs of clothing not only is like having another person attached to you, it also makes me as wide as I am tall!

And besides, I was excited to wear my new outfit my girlfriend Lisa bought me.
There is a Dicks Outlet store in Utica.  Carrie Underwood has a really cute brand called Callia. The shorts were already half OFF and then another HALF off! 10$

DISTANCE: 10 miles
PACE: 8:50min/mi

I was scheduled for 16 miles today. Time was not going to get me those miles. I had a staff meeting at noon and I got a late start.
Today was also a easy/moderate training run.
I went back and forth on where to run, the Dreadmill VS Track.

The music was blasting by the TM's. I looked for my favorite TM and it was open, they had a Treadmill class going, I thought I would try to use some of their energy to help myself along. Well, and the track was full of Grand Blancs CC runners, it is so defeating having those young legs pass you multiple times.
 "..he makes my feet like the feet of a deer, he enables me to tread on the heights."
I seriously felt like a deer. Everything felt so effortless. Nothing was aching or nagging me. I sang my favorite tunes under my breath and even threw out the guns when I beat came that made me want to dance.
I love how this version uses the word TREAD. Like TREADMILL.
I was so tempted to pick up the pace but history is your best director. Eventually, it is not going to feel so effortless.
And that was true around mile 8. I had watched the TM class go, this dance class in one of the studios all finish.  (That is why I think I never got to bored, that class was done in the dark, when I really concentrated on seeing what they were doing I knew why it was in the dark! They looked like they were pole dancing boxers. It was the most interesting choreographing I have ever struggle to see!)
My attention span was crashing. I must have looked at the screen on the TM 10 times in 1 minute

I finished. Well, I wasn't paying attention and the TM shut off on me. SO ANNOYING. I had to restart the whole thing for 1.5 LAPS! That's a little more than a quarter mile.
Typical Anita, Paying attention to everything BUT the timer on the TM! UGH.

I finished my run smiling.  I had started this run sore from yesterdays workout. My legs were hurting, however, I was reminded of Gods word. I stayed so focused on my morning encouragement and the truth is I felt that JOY. It was that Joy that strengthened and encouraged me.

It really is a beautiful feeling.

"Create a permanent place for me in your mind, and My Light will shine on all your moments." 
Jesus Always Embracing Joy in His Presence. 

TRAINING TIP: Keep your easy day your EASY DAY!

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