"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, Who is in you, Whom you have received from God? ... So use every part of your body to give glory back to God..." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Monday, February 20, 2023

My "WHY", my inner child


It goes back many years now.

that little brown eyed girl.
her eyes shallow with fear,
her skin pale with innocence. 
dressed for the part but apart from it all. 

it goes back to That little girl. 
aware of the dysfunction
aware of the disconnect
aware of the disorder
aware of a disease.

it goes so far back before a conversation. 
not understanding
not comprehending
not at a place of security
and FAR from a place of peace. 

it goes back to a time undetermined.
it was a time of longing
it was a time of seeking
it was a time before GOD
it was a time of nothingness. 

it started with innocence removed
with security stripped away
with the noise of disorder
with the silence of depression
with my voice muffled but my heart screaming. 

it goes back to the inner Child
that small child begging for her mom to fight
that child pleading for her mother to not give up
that small child holding HER mother up each time she fell.

I learned to fight because i wanted my mother to. 
I learned to persevere because i needed my mother to.
I learned to be strong to take care of my broken heart.

losing your mom at 18 was hard, devastating. 
losing your mother to an overdose from addiction is a wound never healed

that inner Child is restless.
she was left with the insecurity of not being "enough"
an orphaned heart abandoned by addiction 

my WHY.

to fight the good fight.
that is where i found GOD
broken in a million pieces
a mess of confusion and conflict
on my knees
tear stained cheeks
ready to fight the world for redemption.


He never took the fight out of me.
He just redirected it

my WHY isn't always Godly.
sometimes my WHY is still wanting the approval of a mom so far gone
sometimes wanting to hear the whisper of her telling me she is proud of me
sometimes i find myself listening quietly for " i love you anita", i am proud of you daughter"


From the outside looking in people create their own canvas of others. 
Sunday, I ran a 4-hour event and took 1st place female. It wasn't because I am anything special. It is truly by the grace of GOD. I give Him all the glory. The first-place male came up to me with the BIGGEST smile, "ANITA, Anita, you are a legend..." He was so kind, repeating it again with his Hispanic accent. I found myself blushing. I thought about my WHY. 

I watched a reality show called "Special Forces". As I watched the celebrities' performing tasks, I would find my hands clenched, inspired and annoyed by the celebrities. 
The celebrities undergo a lot of physical and emotional torment. When one of the celebrities is under scrutiny the trainers bring them in and ask them this, "WHAT IS YOUR WHY?" 
This question struck home for me as I pondered it for days. 

The tip of the iceberg is all I have revealed. It has been very therapeutic for me to write it out. There is much more below the surface. 
But when seeking God for an understanding greater than mine I have humbly recognized my 49 year old self still missing the affection of not just her mother but also her father. 
Still missing the affirmation. 
Still missing the compassion. 
Still missing the forgiveness.
And yes, even the pride of a parent. 

My WHY is never giving up like I felt they did. I couldn't fight for my parents, fight their fight. If I could have fought for them in hopes of saving them from addiction I would have fought all of hell, trust me, I tried. 

  • 2 Chronicles 15:7 "But you, take courage! Do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded." 
  • Gal. 6:9 " And let us not grow weary in well doing, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up." 
  • 2 Timothy 4:7 "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." 
In Peace, Not Pieces, 

1 comment:

  1. God's Grace!!! You are a legend and an inspiration Anita💕
