"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, Who is in you, Whom you have received from God? ... So use every part of your body to give glory back to God..." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Monday, April 24, 2023

Muted or Miracles.

"A goal sets your life on a path, gives it direction and energizes you." Andrew Wheating, Olympian

 I was listening to a sermon from Mark Driscol this afternoon as I emptied the dishwasher. I was putting a container away when I felt that lump in my throat. 

He was talking about modern day miracles. I AM ONE. 
He was talking about the power of prayer.  I AM the PRODUCT of answered PRAYER. 
He was talking about how we question God in our trials. I have humanly DONE this.

Every day I live is a miracle. Every breath I inhale is a miracle. 
This weekend I will be running a 50K. This too is a miracle. 

I found myself humbled in my simple little kitchen. I don't have a lot; I didn't come from much and I don't require much. 
I came from food stamps and foster homes, from a broken home and bitterness. 
I walked out of my trailer at 18 years old with a lot of baggage and I don't mean of material things. 
I am a Miracle. 
I am a product of Prayer. 

This weekend I am running a 50K. I am all trained up. There is nothing more that I can do. 
This is a Miracle. 
If I had a dime for every time a surgeon told me to quit running. 

BUT My LORD has NOT told me to hang up my shoes yet. 
So here we go again. 
The Lord pursues me in the most intimate place. 
In the woods, on my run, in that "thin space", He chases me, directs me, redeems me and Loves Me with grace. 
I am found in the depths of myself, in my deep wandering thoughts, He gathers me up leading me back to his divine direction. 

As I get older, I find myself at the crossroads of fear and faith. I feel fear creeping over me as I compare my todays to my yesterdays. 
Age is more apparent the older we get. My confidence is slowly eroding away with my sub 8min mile!
Comparison will steal more than your confidence. 
Gratitude will get muted. Faith will be silenced. 
We will lose our heart. 
We will lose our voice. 
We will lose our words. 
Faith over Fear. 

Trail Weekend 50K April 29th
GOAL: To beat 2022. 
2022 I ran 3 races in 3 weeks. 
  1. April 9th-Carpe Diem and Carpe Noctem: 26.2 total
  2. April 18th-Boston Marathon: 26.2
  3. Trail Weekend 50K: 31miles
The only race that I really raced was Carpe Diem, mostly because it was the only race I was trained and strong for. Too many races that close rarely get good results because your body doesn't have time to recover properly. I was a catastrophe by the time Trail Weekend came! 
Trail Weekend 4/29: PRAYERS PLEASE. For Favor, to Glorify Him, for protection, to be steadfast, to endure the suffering, to persevere. 

MY RESULTS for Trail Weekend 2022 
Time: 5:53:50
Overall: 12/47
Category: 45-49: 1/1
Gender: 5/20

Muted or Miracles. 
I choose miracles. I choose not to let my reproach, brokenness, my mistakes, or my grief silence me. 
I choose to go from grief to grace. 
I choose miracles. 

Run your sport, do not let it RUN YOU. Embrace the journey, all aspects. The training, the running, the friendships, the challenges and even the disappointments. Strive to achieve your goals but also find joy in the journey. Remember REST, RECOVER and REFLECT in those moments. 

From Glory to Glory,
In Peace, not Pieces,


1 comment:

  1. You’re amazing! I can’t wait to read the 50k story! <3

    Michelle the former non-runner
