"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, Who is in you, Whom you have received from God? ... So use every part of your body to give glory back to God..." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Saturday, June 1, 2019

My Recent Distraction: Results.

I had been waiting patiently for over 2 weeks for the results of my BRCA genetic testing.
BRCA1 (Breast cancer 1) are commonly used as tumor markers for breast and ovarian cancer.
This mutation is often inherited. My Dr, Pam Johnson several weeks ago had dictated that it appeared that I most likely had that mutation and she recommended that I have genetic testing to confirm.
I have a lot of cancer on my fathers side that represents this mutated gene. My sweet cousin Lila is currently undergoing treatment just a few weeks ahead of me for the EXACT breast cancer I have.

A positive result on a BRCA test doesn't necessarily mean a person will develop cancer, but remember I already have cancer that is indicative of this mutation.

Yesterday, we were heading out of town for a couple days to take my mind off the fact that I was supposed to be running Kettle Moraine 100k.
I needed the truck washed and cleaned so I headed into Grand Blanc after work. We couldn't leave until Austin got home about 2pm.
I had a bunch of calls to return, the first one on the list was Karmanos.
My heart was beating.

My brothers voice made me cry harder. "Bob, I have BRCA." I gulped surprising myself at how the news had set me back.
There was silence, "Well, what does that mean....."
I was so stoic when "Carmen" had shared the results with me. I honestly just wanted to get off the phone and process it. She went through all the recommendations again, and again shared what this mutation had the ability to do. I had already processed it weeks ago but I guess I hadn't, as I sat in my truck crying.
"Bobby it means I have a 40% percent chance at 45 years old of having ovarian cancer within 5 years of my breast cancer diagnosis. And a 30% chance of having breast cancer reoccurrence within 5 years. It means I have to have a double bilateral mastectomy and a ovarian hysterectomy."
Tears dripped down my cheeks, I wanted to just pull over. I wanted to sit next to my brother and have him just hold me like a big brother does.
He always tries to stay positive, stating the obvious, that is will all be over in a few months. "..Anita, it is just another fight you have to battle your way through..."
But that wasn't what was rattling me so bad "...but but Bob she told me something I had never heard before, she told me that it can present itself later down the road as pancreatic cancer and there is no screening for that...."
We both just cried.

I sit hear again with gentle tears. I am still processing it. It is the shadow of future cancer that daunts me.
I can see how people get so discouraged when they battle cancer multiple times.
I have NO complaints with the course of my treatment. I have gotten through it with flying colors, but they idea of possibly having to do it again, that is the shadow that lurks.

My "Recent Distraction" as  "Steve H." a friend of mine described this journey as a whole was a great description to my phone call.
"Karla" sent me this:

"Now may the Lord of peace Himself grant you His peace at all times and in every way that peace and spiritual well-being that comes to those who walk with Him, regardless of life’s circumstances. The Lord be with you all." 

Peace. My journey is lead by the Lord. He gives me Peace. Peace in the process. 
"Anita, right now you have to sit down with your coach, "God", and have him help you through this next part of the race..." Bob gave me such wise insight reminding me the race I am running. 
"It's just another marathon" has become my mantra. 
Right now, I have hit an emotional stretch, a stretch that when I look out too far overwhelms me and down right scares me. This fear then encapsulates my entire future leaving me feeling hopeless when not managed. 
I have to sit down with God, ask Him for peace in this new distraction so I can continue to move forward in this marathon. 
That I can move forward with peace that I am NOT in control. 
That I can move forward with confidence that God is ultimately in control. 
That I can move forward focusing on the here and now.
That I can move forward accepting the things I can not change. 

God Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.
The courage to change the things I can
and the wisdom to know the difference. 

Thank you for your continue thoughts and prayers. It has been very supportive for me. I read all your words and try my best to respond to all the comments on my blog. 
Some of you may understand how news can be a small set back or distraction, I hope this helps you to put your faith in God. To take the time and sit with your "Coach" and have him move you forward. Trust in Him. 
One mile at a time. 



  1. Anita, I'm so sorry you're going through this, I hadn't heard. You are an inspiration to many and I'm trusting our God,Jehovah Raffa,our healer will see you through this battle victoriously. I pray you will be made whole and well, in Jesus name,amen.

  2. Anita, I keep praying everyday for your healing and health and mental well being and that of your family. We just adore you guys and I know that through this battle you will come out the other side with your smile in tact and your stride even stronger.

  3. You are a living example of God's grace being sufficient! Please find God's peace when you remember "we have this blessed hope". Pastor Cliff and I are praying for you and your family! We love all of you and have never forgotten you.

  4. Anita u are such an inspiration for everyone who has ever gone thru having cancer. U make things so hopeful and I really enjoy reading your blogs about the journeys u endure. You are truly one of God's Angel's. Keep continuing to fight . Never give up.... xoxo

  5. Anita, I have no great words of comfort and emotion will not let them flow. I do have a great God. He is the King of Kings, the Mighty Counselor, the Prince of Peace, Great Physician and Everlasting Father. This child of the King is having a little talk with daddy this morning. My sister; so full of his love and grace, needs His protection, love, peace, and healing right now. Love you so much sweet lady. Run your race in His name and power ❤️❤️❤️

  6. Anita I'm so sorry you are going through this! Draw on your strength from God and never forget that no matter what happens you are still you...the marathon runner, the fighter, the good person, the sister, and the friend! You are never alone in your fight although sometimes you may feel that way! God is always with you and and so is everyone else! Lean on people for support and I love your blog about your journey! You are an inspiration!
