"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, Who is in you, Whom you have received from God? ... So use every part of your body to give glory back to God..." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Friday, April 10, 2020

Quarantined day #23

ONE of my masks that Angie W made. 
Here we are, 23 days into this quarantine thing. A pandemic. A plague that has gone global.
Today, I was invited to join a new facebook group "Michiganders Against Quarantine". With the first question "Just curious, do any of you know someone personally that has Covid-19?"
Over 2.1K comments and 31 shares.
We are at conspiracy theories at only day 23.
Yes, I do know people personally.
Yes, I have a husband that works with Dialysis and they can hardly keep up. 2 hospitals have contacted him to help with their nursing shortage.
I haven't been to any stores since March 19th.
And not because I am concerned about me....rather I am concerned for others. Others, like my 95 year old Maw Maw who would most likely not survive it.
I am not celebrating Easter with all my family because I love my family more.
I quit PT so I wouldn't be around the general public so I could be there for my maw maw who was down to only 2 caretakers.
Its a few weeks, I don't need anything bad enough. I don't need to be remodeling or planting that bad.
God knows, I KNOW what it is like to be a little rather A LOT uncomfortable for A LOT longer.

I read comments where people were complaining about being cooped up in ther houses with nothing to do. There is so much to do.
My client who had to close her bakery, baked and donated over 700 cookies and donuts. If you can't find something to do, just ask. If you are wanting to go out to buy stuff non essential go out and volunteer.

Sunday: I ran the backroads at Rose Oaks, 15 miles
Monday: I threw my kayak in the back of my truck and dropped it in a little lake by my house.
Tuesday: I visited and cleaned Maw Maws house, painted my bedroom with a gallon of paint I FOUND in the basement! Then when Andy came home we ran 7 miles together.
Wednesday: I gathered up my running clothes and headed out to Holly Rec for a fun 6 miler on the trails. I came home to make food for the boys and throw the kayaks in the truck with Austin for some sun and smiles down the Shiawasi River. And even went back out that night for a mile walk down the backroads looking for rocks.
Thursday: I was having so much fun in the local parks I headed out to Pontiac Lake for 10 miles.
Friday: I went back to check on Maw Maw and was there for 2 hours. When I got home, finished cooking and cleaning Alec says "I want to go for a walk." I quickly responded, "I want to go with you..." Within minutes Austin and I were jumping in the truck heading to Rose Oaks to walk the trails.

Bored at home? Nope. I am LOVING this time with my family. We are watching movies together, playing games together, eating, cooking, cleaning and honestly just embracing this time together.
We still have our moments, but this time has really been sweet.
I could not ask for anything more than to have my family together.
Last year was so hard. Nothing will compare to that 10 MONTHS.
I am healthy. I am CANCER FREE. And I have my family.
I have nothing to complain about after only 23 days of quarantine.
I miss work, all my coworkers and my clients so much. Its just little while times.

What Park have you seen this lil guy at?

"Don't Believe Everything you Think" 
Just a reminder that you are what you think. You may have to be a little more intentional about your thoughts. But keep it clean.
Clean out the negativity upstairs.
Crash the Chatterbox.
Remove the things that draw you to negativity.
We are in hard times.
Be Kind.
Be Patient.
Suck it up Buttercup.
The only thing that is the end of the world it THE END OF the WORLD.
Oh yeah one more thing....
Get Over yourself!
I say this in Love...


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