"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, Who is in you, Whom you have received from God? ... So use every part of your body to give glory back to God..." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

I say this in LOVE: GRATITUDE

"For From Him, and through Him and for Him are all things." Romans 11:36

I headed down the back roads to run the trails at Holly Rec.
 Many runners have been killing it with their training. Posting their hard runs and fast runs all of which really began to inspire me. 
I had been motivated to try to run the 6 mile loop hard.

My truck was still freezing on my drive out there. As I drove I began to pray, "Dear God, please give me strength, and endurance, please keep me upright and ….."
It was like a dagger in my heart. I was convicted and riddled with guilt as I was stopped in mid prayer.
"God, please forgive me, I am so sorry, I am asking you yet again to give me more than I deserve especially when I didn't seek you this morning with gratitude..." 

Shame on me. Asking yet again for more from God when all he asks for is a little bit of my time. I was barely given God my  table scraps when he has blessed me with life, health and healing.

Practicing GRATITUDE 
Everyday should be filled with gratitude.
Yes, its April and it snowed today....But the sun shared her pretty face and I had eyes to see it.
Today, when my feet stepped onto the floor from my bed they didn't hurt as bad as they had been. I didn't grab the corner of my dresser to balance myself like I normally have to do, I am in so much pain.
I have this full head of curly locks, 5 months ago I was bald, now  I have this little afro, even a bad hair day is better than a no hair day.

I am so grateful in this quarantine. While so many are voicing their opinions shared with negativity and anger,  I am finding the MOST Gratitude.
I am Grateful to have my health back again. I have two friends that are finishing up their chemo. My heart goes to them everyday.
I have both my boys home and they are healthy. That alone trumps anything one could think about complaining about.
I have postage stamps to send cards to encourage others.
I have internet to be able to get on a Zoom call for our Support group on Tuesday nights.
I don't have a big house or extravagant things, I live a very humble life. I do not require a lot. I am grateful for the little things.
God has shown me so much mercy and grace.
And God has shown you mercy and grace.
Stop complaining, quit pouting, choose Joy and have an attitude of gratitude.

I ran the  Wilderness Loop. And God kept me upright when my legs felt like were going to crumble beneath me. I thought of where I was last year. SICK and not even knowing why I was so sick. Anemic and getting iron infusions. I was weak and ignorant of this cancer that had invaded my body.
I ran with everything I had through those trails. I clenched my little fists and gritted my teeth as I tried to maintain my pace going up another hill.
Flashback after flashback flooded my memories reminding me of how far I have came.
There was no self pride. There was no self. It was purely the grace and mercy of God.
I was breathless. My legs were getting heavy.
I looked at my watch and smiled.
Thank You God.

"Praise the Lord, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good: His love endures forever." 
Psalm 106:1

I encourage you to start you morning out with gratitude.
  • Maybe you need to make a Gratitude Journal, penning all that you are thankful for. 
  • Maybe your family is complaining a lot, try a Gratitude Jar, everyday penning something you are grateful for and putting it in the jar, then sharing them as a family at the end of the day or week. 
  • Make a Journal of Mercy, listing Gods grace and mercy on you. 

Until you DIE to Self you will never find contentment.
"Gratitude isn't anchored in ease, it is anchored in intimacy."  It takes real intimacy to look beyond yourself and give Him the glory. To die to self and recognize all that you have and Let GO of all that you want.
"Who can list the Glorious miracles of the Lord? Who can praise Him enough?" Psalm 106:2


There are a lot of angry people right now, mad they can't do what they want to do.
It could be worse.
Build a bridge and get over it.
I say this in LOVE~

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