"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, Who is in you, Whom you have received from God? ... So use every part of your body to give glory back to God..." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Monday, August 14, 2023

Keep Fighting

1st Timothy 6:12: "Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses."

Sometimes I get a little cocky, its probably my Napolean complex. I was coming down a nasty descend that was washed out when my smile was wiped off my face. With almost 10 miles in, I was bee bobbing down the trail acting all foot loose and fancy. Confident but cautious I was dodging the roots and skipping over the rocks when my toes connected with a rock. Everything happened so fast, a million thoughts run through your brain when you know your in crisis. FEAR was the overwhelming emotion and prayer, a million prayers in a split second. I landed in a THUMP, the earth shook, my right shoulder skidded across the dirty path, I threw that right arm out to protect my head from the rock in the middle of the trail I was landing towards. I managed to twist my body quick enough and did a head plant in the soft black dirt missing the rock by inches. 
I laid in the dirt trying to collect my thoughts. 
I felt myself covered in dirt, in my hair, in my nails, in my pack, my shoulder was bleeding, my knee lost some layers of skin, but nothing hurt! 
I had a quirky smile with dirt all over my face in TOTAL gratitude. 
I stood up expecting something to be broken or injured other than my pride of course. 
And laughed, "LORD, thank YOU!" I said over and over as I looked at the catastrophe that should have happened. 
I was a little timid to continue running down that section of washed-out trail. 
"Go, Anita, wipe yourself off and go with confidence, the Lord continues to protect you, keep fighting..." 

  • We are not defined by our circumstances. 
  • We are not defined by what OTHERS say about us. 
  • We are not defined by our past. 
  • We are not defined by our failures, our mistakes, our mishaps or our misfortunes. 
  • We are not defined by our name. 
  • We are not defined by our age. 

I REFUSE to allow myself to be a quitter. 
I will get busted up and bruised but I am not a quitter. 
I have had both godly people and ungodly people attempt to "break me" so I could experience a "break through".
The tears might look like I was broke but the LORD protects and redeems. 
Whether you feel physically or emotionally burdened you have to keep fighting. 

We have all been broken and bruised especially on this side of eternity. 
But we have to keep FIGHTING. 

I picked myself up and told myself to NOT give up!
Life is going to want to keep you down, dust off the dirt and keep fighting. 
Don't ALLOW people or circumstances to get the best of you, you are not a victim, you are a OVERCOMER. 

I didn't allow the family history of addiction to own me.
I didn't allow being parentless at 18 to make me a victim. 
I didn't listen to the doctors tell me multiple times to quit running after multiple surgeries. 
I didn't quit running when I got breast cancer and went through chemo, radiation and several surgeries. 
I didn't QUIT believing God loved me. 
I never QUIT on GOD. I knew despite my unfortunate circumstances God still loved me and was doing "Great and mighty" things "IN" me - in the miry pit. 
You are NOT a Victim, get up and FIGHT! Don't give up!!

"You gotta get bruised
before you get mad
You gotta fall down before you fight back
Was feeling so weak
But baby I'm strong
Little did I know
I'm a Champion
I'm a Champion." 
Biship Briggs

 "The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent." Ex. 14:14
Pick your battles. You don't have to go to every argument your invited to. Sometimes the greatest fight is the one in ourselves. 
Keep fighting to be a better you. Let people say what they want about you. Let it GO. 

T- 32 DAYS until RUN RABBIT RUN 50 miler. As I look at my training plan, I find myself getting more and more excited. Last week, I had a stepdown week in miles but a step up week in ELEVATION!
This 10 mile marker had "fell down", I had to laugh because I was totally relating! 

I ran in 3 parks the last 3 days. 
Trail running isn't fast running, but I am not training for speed, I am training for endurance and strength. 
The trails have been washed out, buggy and humid. I have chosen to run some of the harder trails for stronger training. 
I have ran in the middle of the heat to prepare for the heat of Colorado. 
The best way to prepare for the elements and terrain of Colorado is to suffer in the closest conditions I have here. 
Last week: 62 miles. 
Elevation: 6000 feet.
Trails, Highland Recreation, Independence Oaks

Joshua 1:9, Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.

In Peace, Not pieces, 

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