"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, Who is in you, Whom you have received from God? ... So use every part of your body to give glory back to God..." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Full Swing

I am back to work in full swing! The Christmas spirit is dancing through the salon. I just LOVE it.
I took off 5 weeks. My days at work have been jammed from the moment I get in until I leave.
For over 20 years I have done hair at Glitz.
Today, when I came in Nancy my manager had gifts for all of us girls.
I carry a big bag of gifts for all my clients. This year I bought my clients special gifts. I LOVE giving gifts. And I LOVE my clients. They are like family to me.
The hugs.
The kisses.
The greetings.
The cards.
I have been lavished in LOVE.

"No ANITA, I want to hear about you, HOW ARE YOU DOING?"
But but...I want to hear about them.

How am I doing?
I am doing great.
I am getting more mobility with my arms. Of course Dr. Johnson had to show me how bad my range of motion was last week. I was not stretching my arms correctly, oops.

I have been going to the gym doing whatever I can to sweat BUT RUNNING. I am actually so proud of myself for obeying DR.s orders.
Tomorrow is my First RUN DAY. I am shaking like a lil kid waiting to see Santa.

But first...Dr. Sullivan. Mom is taking me to get my port out, it is in the office. I am not sure how that is going to work. I am thinking it will involve a needle, a scalpel and God knows what else, maybe a puke bag?

We just got the Christmas tree up. I am slowly getting my energy back. The house isn't decorated to its best this year. And honestly, I am not sweating over it. Andy has been working on getting the basement finished, this has made decorating near impossible with all the dust.
The Tree is beautiful. I am grateful for that.
I am grateful for the energy to put it up.
Mom came over and helped me put it up. She would pull out each ornament and read the date and the inscription as she placed it on the tree. She was so chipper until we read one from Maw Maw that she gave me. Then mom started crying. Christmas is emotional. This year we have Maw Maw at 96 and this year I get to celebrate another Christmas.
It could have been taken from me.

This year I celebrate. I am so grateful. I have LIFE.

Special Thank you to Beth D for the incredible dinner she made my family. A  big SHOUT out to the Gullege Family for raising over 30, 000 at their fundraiser for Josh, I made an appearance Saturday after I got out of work, it was so hopping!
And BIG Praise Report to CINDY who is battling breast cancer, her DR. said he couldn't even find the marker let alone the lump! PLEASE keep Cindy in prayer, she has some obstacles she is battling with her cancer.
Keep FIGHTING Josh and Cindy!



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