"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, Who is in you, Whom you have received from God? ... So use every part of your body to give glory back to God..." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Keep It Simple Thursday

I way over dressed for our run at Kensington. I had to laugh at myself as I just posted  this topic just yesterday.  I was able to remove my light weight jacket and tie it around my waist which made my temperature more tolerable. It was a perfect morning for a run. I was green with envy as I watched "Danielle" running in her shorts.
We took it pretty easy today. "Danielle" was having some calf and knee aggravation around mile 3. So we took precautions and went slow and steady even walking up the hills.
Overall it was a great run. I felt yesterdays 20 miler out there today. I hate hearing myself breathing and it was one of those runs today!

SO I signed up for a race that was recommended to me and one of my clients "Beth" is running. It looks like fun but it is gonna be worse getting up for work in the morning than actually running the 15 k!
Its called the Moonlight Sasquatch Shuffle 15k! It is October 16. Friday night at 11:59!!!

We have all had DR appointments as of late. My thyroid check, Andy had his Tuesday and found out what he has. Osteitis Pubis. Andy found this forum before he went to the DR. and knew this is what he had. Runners world Osteitis Pubis
Looks like PT for Andy.
Today we have another DR. appt for my youngest, "Alec". He has some skin issues going on. I am sure he is fine but we will check it out.
My kids rarely get sick and have not been to the DR.s in years except for a physical so this will be all around good.

This Weeks Favorite People:
  • "Sue B" works for the Brooksie Way doing their training program. She is a great coach to those runners.
  • "Sarah" my Niece. Very proud of her. She is in 2nd year at college and is trying so hard to stay focused and maintain on the right path despite what everyone is doing around her. 
Distance: 8.06
Time: 1:17
Pace: 9:35

Alec Got to meet his new DR today.  Dr. Abraham was "Amazed" Alec could not remember EVER going to the DR. He was even more amazed Alec hasn't been on any antibiotic in over 5 years! I am so blessed to have healthy kids. I have never been one to rush my kids to the DR at the first sniffle. You are what you eat.  I believe it is so important to eat whole foods and stay away from processed and fast foods. I attribute my boys health a lot to our eating habits. 

 "Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food." Hippocrates

 What Are some Healthy eating habits you do? Some foods that you attribute to your health?? What are your little secrets??


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