I am four days out from running almost 24 hours at Bear Lake and my body still feels like its been through a meat grinder.
I have taken my time to rest and reminisce on not just the race but all the training miles leading up to Saturdays ultra event.
As I tried to write down some of the details of the race, I discovered a lot of the details started with the letter "P". So to add a little character to this "Post" I am going share my recap highlighting the "P's" in running Bear Lake Ultra.
I used Hal Koerners Field Guide to Ultra Training for my training plan. I averaged 50-60 miles a week throughout the summer, running trails about once a week.
Bear Lake Ultra is a 3.1 mile course that is mostly trails except for the road to the cabins and field. The trail is NO JOKE, with close to 300ft of dusty, rooty elevation it is a terror to the toes. You run a tenth of a mile in front of the cabins that is paved, this is a reprieve after you have tried not to go head over toe downhill to get there.
My plan was to try by the grace of God to run all night.
I wanted to run through the aid station every 2 loops and stop at the 3rd loop to refuel and hydrate.
So every 9 miles I would stop. I wanted to do this for 27 miles. From there the plan would evolve to stopping every 2 loops in hope I could maintain that all night giving me an aid station every 6 miles.
Rachel was coming out at 9pm to pace me through the night. Andy was running during the day but would crew me through the night.
As the National Anthem played I bowed my head in PRAYER.
~Praying for His Strength, Perseverance and Protection. I have been praying the Lord would use me in my miles. I prayed that NO MATTER the outcome the Lord would use it ALL for His Glory.
The race then kicked off with Rob entertaining us with fireworks!
That first 27 miles, I think I only ran a couple miles with Andy and somewhere I lost him.
I ran with Joe playing a game of "Who sings this?". "No Sunshine" was blasting through my speaker while Joe was asking every runner who sang it! Surprisingly, it took about a dozen runners to answer it right, do you know?
By 11am I was still searching for Andy and running solo. Every loop I noticed someone had PLACED 2 bags of chocolate chip and M&M cookies on a chair. I was salivating at this point and snuck into the bag a grabbed a cookie. I WOULD LOVE to know who's cookies those were, They were like manna from Heaven, I'm pretty sure my tongue smacked my brains!
I made about 20 rocks from mantra runners had given to me prior to the race. Runners moved them all day through the woods. These were some of the photos I snagged that some of the runners had taken. |
THE PASSION-Pushing 30 miles and beyond:
I had been running for miles alone. I kept my smile even though I was placing too much value on my thoughts, on my PAIN, my feet were beginning to hurt. As my spirits began to fade Alecia Keys, UNDERDOG came though my speaker to motivate me. To remind me of my PASSION and part of the PURPOSE of me running.
- I Run for many reasons. I run to represent the UNDERDOG.
- I Run for the one that doesn't fit in.
- I Run for the one people said wouldn't make it.
- I Run for the one that fights all of hell for a second chance, for a little grace.
- I Run for the one this world has have tried to break.
- I Run for the one that has been hurt, judged or shamed.
- I Run for the UNDERDOG.
- I Run to remind you to keep fighting.
- I RUN for the one that wasn't given anything and has had to fight for everything.
- I RUN FOR YOU. To remind you to keep FIGHTING. To Dust yourself off and get back out there. To not Quit. To not feel ashamed of who you are.
And I held my thoughts captive. I recited my "WHY" and felt the negative thoughts dissolve.
I came down the hill towards the parking lot where I see "MR. MICHIGAN" cheering on the runners and had to do a double take, MOM AND DAD were there! WITH TIM HORTONS!
Without a thought, I stopped to enjoy them. I opened that coffee and felt the warm sweetness saturate my chilled body. I was so happy I felt my cheeks actually hurting from smiling so big.
Mom and Dad told me Andy was about 10 minutes ahead of me.
MY PURSUIT: I dropped a gear to find him.
2:ISHpm: I finally caught up to Andy, I was a little labored when I reached him, however it felt so good to have someone to run with. I was able to enjoy his company for 2 loops. I headed back out alone.
3:22 I see ROB with his beautiful family, his new baby brought joy to my soul, I LOVE babies!
I ran some miles with my new friend BJORN. He was killing it with a goal of 50 miles in 10 hours.
By 6pm I was running solo again.
I was questioning my life choices like many of us runners at this POINT.
I had been eating really good and drinking even better, I was not PREPARED for it to be as cold as it was.
I was wearing a pair of tights I had never raced in. When I came into the aid station I had to pee really bad but before I went I saw Valerie and in my excitement to see her I peed my pants! I rushed to the bathroom and discovered I had a few more issues.
Valerie and I after my discovery. |
Not only had I peed my pants, my pants were on backwards and inside out!
At this POINT, I was like, "I've gone this far!"
I came into the aid station to enjoy some fresh corn on the cob, soo yummy.
By 6:45, I was at over 49 miles. I would have 50 miles in under 11 hours.
I was going to need the banked time for the night.
Then I found Andy again, but just for a little bit.
PERSEVERING into the night
As the evening darkened the woods grew brisk and the lake blew a blistering wind. It was brutal.
It was like throwing sand in my gears. Everything felt so much harder. I do not run well in the cold, it is my kryptonite.
I was trying to maintain a 13 min/mi. I had fallen really hard in the morning and was PRAYING the Lord would PROTECT me from falling again in my fatigue.
The moon was amazing, but even in its company I was lonely. I was on my second round of questioning my PLAN.
Rachel would be at the aid station very soon. I came into the Aid station around 8:30 and there she was. I wrapped my arms around her and started crying like a blubbering baby.
Andy was there laughing. "NITA! Its too early to start crying..." he laughed trying to raise my spirits.
I had smiled to everyone, I encouraged the other runners and tried to stay POSITIVE but my tank was running empty, more than I knew.
Rachel showered me with more than her PRESENCE, she had PRESENTS for me too. I was so tired I could hardly string together a full sentence. She placed a new LED night on me that shone bright through the darkness.
Running through the dark has a multitude of PROBLEMS for me.
photo credit, Joel |
- I get nauseous.
- I have a hard time seeing with a headlamp.
- I was freezing.
- I was so tired I could hardly think. Fear was settling in, it was too early to be so fatigued.
Rachel provided both companionship and dialogue. I could hardly string together conversation. Loop after loop I chased her through the woods.
I would find myself walking for longer than I should and Rachel was able to get me moving again.
We were half way down the hill when ROB jumps in with us full of energy and smiles.
Rob was awesome running till after 3 am with Rachel and I.
Rachel carried me 20 miles but was having a hip PROBLEM sadly bowing out.
When we came into the aid station Sarah was there. Now I had not seen Sarah hardly at all at the aid station all day but here she was. Rachel shared her problem feeling terrible but asking Sarah if she could help me.
Sarah wasn't running a lot but said YES.
But the REAL PROBLEM was ME. I had gone to Hell in a handbasket. I was freezing, sick, and so tired no one not even me could interpret my mumbling. I didn't know how I could run another 4 hours.
Andy sat me into the adirondack chair with 2 blankets over me and my face and set a time for 15 minutes.
MY POWER: “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me." 1Cor. 12:9
BINGG BINGG BINGG I heard the alarm go off. "Wake up Nita, Let's GO! Andy prodded. I threw off the blankets and Sarah and I went foot loose and fancy.
We came in strong and headed back out for my final loop. With a PEP in my step I was PLEASED with my 89 miles with NO intentions of PURSUING last years goal.
There Rachel, Andy, Rob and Sarah all circled me. I had nothing to PROVE. I could quit and be PLEASED. As I was getting ready to hit the STOP on my watch we realized something new.
Sarah realized how close she was to second place. She had just helped me achieve me goal. It was 6:30am and more than me wanting to quit, I wanted Sarah to get her goal.
We took off running that last hill like a couple crazy ladies. My adrenaline was pumping for her.
Top: Rachel, Sarah, Andy, 24 hours later. |
93MILES. I beat my time from last year.
Sarah came in 2place for the woman.
Andy got 40 miles!
Antonio made it ALL night!
Joe got over 50 miles!
CONGRATS to Alex, Will, Jason, Mary, Robin, Jazz, Donny from Complete Runner.
A BIG shout out the all the AMAZING volunteers! Coming into the aid station was something I looked forward to every loop because of their energy and the FOOD was amazing!
SPECIAL thanks to Robs father and Joel for the amazing PHOTOS!
Sites and Selfies |
THANK you to DESTINY for making my sign! |