"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, Who is in you, Whom you have received from God? ... So use every part of your body to give glory back to God..." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Leave space for Grace.

"Grace be with you all." 2 Timothy 4:22

The morning started out so beautiful. 
I was running down Holly Rd counting all my blessings, finding gratitude in the flawless blue sky, waving at all the cars that moved over as they passed me. 
I took the same route Andy takes to work hoping to get a peak of him on his way to the office. I giggled to myself after 26 years of marriage how I still get excited to see him. 

GRACE. This has laced my heart for weeks now. And today as quick as a blink of your eye, I would have to understand it on a more intimate level. 

Heading towards home with the sun warming my skin, with my legs turning over without any pain and with a smile across my face humbled at how "Graceful" my body has recovered my joyful run came to a screeching halt. 

I saw this precious family of ducks crossing the road. 7 ducks, a large family waddling across N. Holly Rd. 
My heart smiled as I watched them following their mama, but I saw a mini van coming towards them. 
Frantically, I throw my hands up and run faster hoping she would see me. 
I am screaming "NO NO, with my hands flailing. The mini van looked like it slowed down.
I was just yards in front of her when I realized she wasn't stopping. 
The ducks were gone, some made it some did not and I was crumbling in tears watching helplessly. 
I rushed over with my hands out unashamed and stopping traffic. 
"No, Oh No" I cried and cried as I stood over their lifeless little bodies. 
I reached down crying and began picking them up. One by one I held those beautiful little creatures so gingerly in my hands as I carried them out of the road. 
The lady came over to me. 
I couldn't look at her. I just kept carefully picking up another duckling. 
I was so distressed. 
My heart was aching. 
Thier feathers were on my hands. 
She saw them, she slowed down, why didn't she stop? Traffic was not bad, WHY?WHY? 
As I let the cars pass, I heard her beside me. 
"I'm so sorry, I looked away for a second to fix my air conditioning, I am so sorry..." she wept. 
I HEARD her crying. 
I HEARD her crying over my cries. 
I turned around and looked at this lady. She was precious. Her face was stained with tears, as she sobbed to me. 
"I am sorry.." she said again. 
I looked at her. I listened to her. 
I reached out and held her. 
I rested my face in this strangers shoulder and whispered, I know, it's ok, I know it was an accident, I am sorry." 
“I do not at all understand the mystery of grace – only that it meets us where we are but does not leave us where it found us.” ~ Anne Lamott

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms. 
1 Peter 4:10. 

I was able to share Grace in this moment of anger, confusion and hurt.
I was by the Grace given to me in my mistakes, mishaps and misdemeanors able to humbly give Grace to someone else. 
I have been given GRACE upon GRACE, exceedingly abundant GRACE. 
Through my GRACE given eyes I could see her hurt, I was able to see her brokenness and the same GRACE given to me I could extend to her in LOVE. 

“Grace is love that cares and stoops and rescues.” ~ John Stott

As I ran home, I reminded myself of all the times God has given me GRACE. 
I do nothing to earn God Grace. 
I was reminded of all the times I had wanted GRACE from others and what that felt like. 

“God answers the mess of life with one word: Grace.” ~ Max Lucado

My heart hurt for that family of ducks being separated. 
"You are more valuable than the sparrow..." 
I thought of this verse in Matthew. Yes, I was deeply wounded by the horrific scene I had witnessed, BUT...
My heart hurt MORE for the tearful lady. 
This woman needed GRACE. She parked her van on the side of the road and shamefully walked to the scene. She didn't need to be shamed, ridiculed, yelled at anymore than she was already feeling. 

She Needed Grace. 
I Need Grace. 

In our hurts we often get easily offended by others. We get sensitive to our pains and are quick to judge and retaliate. 
But when LOVE leads there is space for Grace. When we know Gods LOVE and recognize the GRACE he has given us we can humbly share Grace to others. 

In Peace, not Pieces,


  1. You are absolutely beautiful inside and out. That is why I love you so much♥️

  2. xoxo. I have a lot of "Hot Mess Moments" thank you for loving all of me!
