"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, Who is in you, Whom you have received from God? ... So use every part of your body to give glory back to God..." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Monday, March 7, 2022

Press On


"Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." Phil 3:12-14

As my miles add up and add on, I am finding myself with myself more and more. I am having more solo miles, the company of one, myself and my God. 
As much as I am inspired by music and the beat that moves my feet to a faster cadence, I have been turning off the tunes a little more. Some pray on their knees, some in their closet, I find my favorite place running with the Lord next to me, coaching me, encouraging me, teaching me and loving me. 
"To be a consistent winner means preparing not just one day, one month, or even one year-but for a lifetime." -Bill Rodgers
Training consists of eating proper calories, maintaining good sleep, stretching, rolling, cross training, long runs, fast runs, hard runs and easy runs. I have fun runs and runs I want to quit on. I have runs I fall short and runs I nail. 
Longs runs consist of 2-4 hours right now. I am running on an average of 50 miles a week. 
Every run, every planned run and every run ran, I try to give my best. 
It's all about training. 
My mindset is that of an athlete. At 48 years old, my training has changed but my mindset is the same. 
I have learned to not look at my past, I have to forget what lies behind me and reach forward to what lies ahead. 

when it hurts. 
when I want to quit.
when I feel inadequate.
when I feel incapable.
when I am weak.
when I am alone.
when I am scared.
when I hear the whispers. 
when I am confused.
when I feel hopeless. 
when I am insecure. 

I don't PRESS ON in perfection. I press on in the capacity I am, not in my strength, not in my will, not in my abilities but in HIS. 
My training to PRESS ON, to continue on with excitement not just my physical training but also my spiritual growth. 

As my physical training heightens with race season beginning, I am reminded to rest, to eat meals to help me recover and rebuild, I am reminded when I get injured or hurt to PRESS ON. 
In this life this will happen. 
We will have seasons when we find ourselves injured. By others, and sometimes from ourselves and then there will be times when we are disabled with no good reason. 
Be flexible to PRESS ON in the capacity you are at today. Not yesterday, and not somebody else's, right where you are at!

"In the days of my victory and joy, I had faith enough to thank the Lord. Now, as well, I should not but accept my accident in grace." Abede Bikila- two-time Olympic champion crippled in a car crash 1969.

  • Feb. 28-March 6th = 62 miles
  •  Make a Difference 10k- (McKenna Schummer lost a 20 month-battle with Osteosarcoma at the year young age of 11. 
She helped other children find thier courage, strength and beauty through McKennassquad Beauty Bar.
All proceeds went to #McKennassquad beauty bar. 

Congrats to all those that came out to run or support this beautiful cause. 

Don't Give up, PRESS ON

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