"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, Who is in you, Whom you have received from God? ... So use every part of your body to give glory back to God..." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Can't knock the Hustle

Galatians 6:4 "Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else,"

Todays Run is brought to you by Genesys Athletic Club.

I don't typically think trail runners are pretentious, most of the ultra runners I have met are pretty humble and always encouraging one another.
But...don't be too fooled. I have heard a topic come up a few times and recently even saw a post sharing the topic.
The Topic. RUNNING solely outside. Runners poo poo-ing treadmill running.

When I first started running, about 16 years ago, I had a gym membership to American Fitness. (This iconic gym is no longer on the corner of Dixie Hwy and Andersonville rd.) I didn't even know that people ran outside. The thought never occurred to me.
Grown adults run races? Clueless
I had a treadmill in my basement as well but running outside was a foreign concept to me.

Alec was born, 2001. I could hardly get to the gym and running on the treadmill would wake Alec. I didn't have enough money for one of those fancy jogger strollers. I was a hot mess from post partum and Austin, 3 years old had enough energy he could have run a 5k in his Stride Rites.
I did the best I could with what I had, a red wagon radio flyer. Alec was almost 1 year old and I would pull that wagon with both the boys in it all around Holly.
I started running outside out of pure default and necessity.
The warm sun, the freedom, the scenery, the adventure. I loved the breeze on my skin.

But Michigan weather brings most of us back indoors. Back to the gym, back to the treadmill. When I started marathon training, running more than 10 miles on the dreadmill was torture. You feel like a hamster on a wheel. Your legs are spinning but you head space is desperately trying to find things to occupy you.

I saw a post that said " What's so bad about treadmills? Not ashamed to say we use them. Sure they aint trails, but"

BUT...But we are still running.
BUT...But we are still getting our miles in and our sweat on.
BUT...It is still good training, Mentally FOR SURE.

"Can't Knock The Hustle" Weezer

I work hard for that gym membership. I have no shame in grabbing my water bottle, my towel and punching in my numbers, especially when I get to wear shorts when the rest of Michigan looks like the Michelin Man.

To me, I don't think it matters if you are getting your run on indoors, on the treadmill, playing the WII or running in place.
For that matter, you get your hustle on any way that works for you. If it gets you off the couch, puts a little sweat in your brows and makes you curse your name in agony, GET IT DONE.

Distance: 6.25 miles. 
* 1 mile w/u
*4X800m repeats w/ 800m cooldown, shuffle jog 
*1 mile cooldown
Total mile: 6miles, walked the quarter
*weights, ALOT of reps, a little bit of weight. 

This was NOT my idea. This was Andys workout that I got suckered into.
Andy has gotten so fast since last August when he started back to the gym. He is giving me a run for my money. Andy is very competitive.
When we lined up for our first repeat my legs felt so fresh. I stayed next to him, afraid when the suffering would sabotage my pace. After the first 400m, I said to myself, "Rattle him..." And I took off hitting the 800m ink a few steps ahead of him. I smiled inside.
I just remembered his lack of remorse when he tapped me on the shoulder at IDIDARUN and blew past me just a couple weeks ago.
REPEAT1- 3:22
"Don't get to cocky Anita."
We started the 2nd 800m aiming to bring it down. "Andy, bring it down, or your going to hit this one at the same time."
I stayed next to him.
REPEAT3- 3:30
That last interval, I was coaching myself in every voice I could. The final turn I knew we had to pick up another gear. Andy was voicing a few words of struggle. "GOOO" I yelled at him. He didn't have an option. I was abrupt, loud and bold.
Out of breath, voiceless and gut wrenched, I knew we had hit that last one but I wanted confirmation. "What is our time?
REPEAT4- 3:32

"Can't Knock The Hustle" 
Haters gonna Hate. . Just because you never run on the TM doesn't make you are more bad A$$ runner. What makes you a bad a$$ runner is how you encourage other peoples HUSTLE. 

RELATE don't Compare. 
This seems to be an all around problem. When you remove yourself from someone else's story and encourage them, relating with them,  it is always their STORY. But when you add yourself into their story you are no longer relating you are comparing. 
Different isn't wrong. Don't be that guy who knocks someone else's hustle. 
Listen to your thoughts. 
Be KIND. Be encouraging. And if you cant, BE QUIET. 


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