"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, Who is in you, Whom you have received from God? ... So use every part of your body to give glory back to God..." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Monday, March 3, 2025

Body Battery

 "He Who is Most Attached to a Particular Outcome Has the Least Amount of Power." 
Some weeks, the miles add up, but they aren't MIGHTY. Some weeks, the weight of life presses so hard that just getting out the door feels like a victory. 

Running with friends and the deep chatter we share gave me some perspective on a couple topics that we touch on in both LIFE and RUNNING. 

Last week, was a struggle to stay motivated as another dreary, cold and windy week covered us. A friend of mine reminded me about giving ourselves GRACE.


 "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." 2 Cor. 12:9
I can understand getting ATTACHED to some outcomes, but often we get ATTACHED to many outcomes. We back ourselves in a corner full of tight goals and expectations. We take the fun our of life and running. 
I set goals because they give me direction. They give me a motivation to lace up my shoes and move forward. But sometimes, I hold onto them so tightly that they become chains instead of stepping stones. 
I get too ATTACHED. 

"Debbie" reminded last week about GRACE. 

How often do we push ourselves to a breaking point because we fear what it means to fall short?
How often do we measure success by rigid expectations rather than by the endurance of simply showing up? 
Running to me mirrors life. 
Somedays the goal is to push, to strive, to improve. Other days, the goal is simply to SURVIVE! To put one foot in front of the other, to move forward even when everything feels so heavy.
GRACE is the permission to we give ourselves to slow down without guilt. GRACE reminds me that effort still matters just as much as outcome.  Grace gives me a pause, allows me to catch my breath so I can get back out there with a full battery. 
Last week the miles were many, but they weren't mighty. And that was good for me. Because last week , I needed to just sustain. I needed room to breathe both physically and emotionally. 
Grace gave me that space. 

Our Power
"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint."  Isaiah 40:31
We are all created with a inner power. Some call it strength, resilience, or drive. For me, my power come from my FAITH. The Lord gives me the breath in my lungs, He keeps me moving forward, not just in running but also in Life. 
But POWER isn't just about pushing harder or striving. Your POWER should come from a humble spirit and wisdom to knowing when to push and when to rest
My Garmin has a "Body Battery" feature. It tells me when I've depleted my energy and when I need recovery. It reminds me when I have over done it!
Wouldn't it be nice if life had the same warning system? If it sometimes told us:
"Let it go."
"Take a breath."
"You need to rest." 

But life does give us those signals-we just don't always listen, or maybe I just don't listen! 
Stress drains me. 
Overcommitment depletes me. 
Holding onto anger, fear, or expectations we can't control robs us of our POWER. 

We give away our POWER when we refuse to rest. when we allow circumstances to determine our worth, or when we let worry steal our peace. 

POWER isn't in controlling the outcome- it's in trusting the process. It's in knowing when to push and when to surrender and Let Go or "Let Them". 
Sometimes our power is in the discernment of knowing when to hold our GOALS loosely and embrace GRACE fully. 

Miles: 70.22
Elevation: 2,270
Feb. Miles: 255miles
Last week's miles I concentrated on LOW HEART RATE and had a lot of success staying mostly in Zone one and Zone 2 for the weeks runs. 

Last week the goal was to run more miles with less intensity. To keep my heart rate low, mostly in ZONE 2. 
I was intentional about my diet and protien intake for proper recovery. The goal was to be between 50-60 grams of protein. KATES bars are one of my favorite snacks. 
Smoked Salmon, Cottage Cheese, Eggs, Smoothies, Turkey Jerky, yogurt are some of my daily staples. 

My miles weren't mighty, but they were many. Training for an ultra requires long slow running.  
Last week, I chose GRACE over pressure because the pressures of life were many and let go of running hard, running fast, or running exhausted. It felt so good to walk the hills, to settle down, to have conversations while running. And I had peace when I was finished. 
Remember to ENJOY the JOURNEY.

 In Peace, Not Pieces, 

Jazz, Andy and I. 20mph winds and 20 degree weather. BRUTAL. But we did it!


Monday, February 24, 2025

BALANCE; Training Plans



  • 26 days until SPRING
  • I was sick for 14 days, 3 days of a fever. 
  • My girlfriend traveled 22 miles to save my life from the dreaded flu. 
  • 92 days, 13 weeks until Sulphur Springs 100m. 
Winter-the season where your driveway is a skating rink, i would know, Andys mom got stuck in it last week. When your morning run feels like an Artic expedition, frozen eyelashes, clodhopping in snow and subzero temps. And my motivation to run hibernates with the woodland animals. 
TRAINING PLANS are a MUST for me. 

"A goal without a plan is just a wish." Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Training plans either written by you or someone who inspires you help to rescue me from the comfort of my cozy blanket and 5th cup of coffee. They help me to stay on track. 
LIFE requires training plans. In running and in LIFE. 
Gods word is always my number ONE training plan that gives me purpose and perspective. 
Both the bible and a running training plan allows me to have BALANCE. 

"Why, my soul are your downcast? Why so disturbed within me?" Psalm 42:11
It has been 20' outside, and many days single digits with the wind chill factor in there. Fresh snow has covered everything, yes, it beautiful, but that beauty has lost its luster. The wind has sliced through my layers like a Freddy Krueger horror film, the running paths are either slushy and slick or ankle-deep snow threatening to snap your ankles. 
YEAH!! Winter running. Insert sarcasm. 
However, these are the moments when a training plan becomes your best friend. It reminds you of your goals, keeps you focused, and, most importantly, provides the BALANCE needed to navigate both the treacherous terrain and your busy life. 

"In their heart humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps." Proverbs 16:9
Training plans aren't just about logging miles; they're about creating BALANCE in your life. With a structured plan I can juggle FRIENDSHIPS, Lead BIBLE STUDIES, MAINTAIN a clean home, summer garden, CHICKENS, WORK, FAMILY and DATE nights with my hubby and have time for a book a month. I have a life that has balance, running doesn't become an obsession. 
Despite what many believe. 
Training plans are like having a personal assistant who schedules your workouts between meetups and mops! 

  • Companies that offer comprehensive training programs have a 218% higher income per employee than those without formal training. 
While this stat pertains to the corporate world, it highlights the value of structured training- whether in the office or running. 

TURN the FROWN Upside Down: Countering OBSTACLES
"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones." Proverbs 17:22
I am more hyper the older I get about busting my coon-dog running in the winter. I have had Andy pick me up from the collar to save me from face planting and I have had a few flailing limbs in the air trying to balance myself from slipping. The layers and layers that make me look like the Michlin Man is something I try to laugh off especially when I start sweating the first mile. 

This winter I have had a few obstacles. Training Plans help you get back on track. Those unfortunate circumstances don't have to derail you, you just have to get creative to find another path. 

Prioritize REST and RECOVERY. This is hard for me. I did drop my mileage down when I was sick. 
I also loaded up on herbs, peroxide baths, vitamins and rest. I eventually had to bite the bullet and get an antibiotic. 
Once I began to feel better, I eased back into running, with less intensity, adding more walk breaks, and even more walking than running. 


I live on a dirt road. Most of the winter it has been a slippery, snowy mess. The trails this year have gotten so much snow that they are several inches high of ungroomed paths. Even the sidewalks in Holly have not been cleared. 
I have been on the indoor Track, out of the elements and unfortunately without elevation but getting my miles. 
I have traveled to the Metroparks a lot this winter, they do a pretty good job plowing the paved path. I did however find myself 5 feet in the snowbank last week! The park rangers at Indian Springs were AMAZING and saved me a tow bill! 

"Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can" Arthur Ashe
  • FIND A Training PLAN! 
  • Register for a race a MONTH, this is what I do, and it gives me something to look forward to. 
  • Incorporating activities that make cold weather running sorta enjoyable! INVEST in the proper gear, find friends or have post run festivities like going to Parlor Donuts or Tim Hortons afterwards. I love that. 
Weekly Miles; 69miles 
Elevation: 2,700
Speedwork: 5X800m yassos @3:27 w/400m C/D
FEB RACE: FROSTY 5K. We ran 10 miles before the race, and 2 miles after the race. There was NO shot I was RACING this; the course was a mess! Of course, racing it was never an option. But it was fun. The hardest part was I got 15 miles in, but I needed 20 miles. When I got home, I had to conquer my mind and SHUT UP and RUN another 5 solo miles. 
I have run a lot of SOLO miles. And have had to run a few miles sick. 
And the truth is, I am sure some of the miles ran were just plain stupid. But it comes down to not allowing my excuses to have power over me. I would rather run stupid then not try at all and give my negative dialogue a voice of power. 
 Conquer the negative! 

A COUPLE Questions to REFLECT on.
  • Are you open to alternative routes or resources? Treadmills, tracks, trails, parks, ect. 
  • Have you ever joined a running group? Connecting with others helps to motivate us. 
  • Have you added a little adventure in your running, fun runs every so often encourages and prevents burn out. 

In Peace, Not Peices,


Monday, February 10, 2025

Every Rose has its Thorns

"It does not matter how slowly you go, as long as you don't stop." Confucious

Last week was a grind. 
Michigan's sick bug hit me like a freight train- like it had a personal vendetta against. 9 days, but who's counting?! I got pulverized with coughing, sneezing runny nose, fever and fatigue - all while being trapped in a gloomy Michigan winter. 
I was supposed to be grinding out my training. But between the single digit temps, snow, ice, and my body turning into a walking NyQuil commercial, I started wondering if maybe I should just trade in my running shoes for a nice, local knitting club. 

The Hypocrite Chronicles
I wrote this rhyme about 20 years ab=got-one of those golden rules of running:
"If it's in your head, get out of bed. If its in your chest it's best to rest." 
So, like a responsible adult, I followed my own advice at first, I stayed in bed. I let my body recover. 
But then...the miles quit adding up. And because I was laid up, my brain told me I still needed to show up. 

SO naturally I ate my words. 

The moment my fever broke, I was at GAC, shuffling around the track-one mile at a time.
I knew I shouldn't be doing it. But I also knew I needed to. 
I was prepared to get off the track if my body protested too hard. I kept my heart rate low, adding walk breaks every two laps, and made a deal with myself: "SUFFER WISELY."

"I Don't Feel Sorry For You." 
I have heard this before. I get it. When I push through when I probably shouldn't sympathy isn't exactly in high supply.
But here's the thing: Training for 100 miles is about suffering. If I can't run while sick and suffer through, then how am I going to suffer through 100 miles?
This is part of the process.
This is where I learn to adapt, to push, to be smart about when to fight and when to fold. 

So Yeah, last week was rough. But I'm still here. 
And still a little off my rocker. 

Feb 3-Feb 9
Miles: 47.59 
(training goal 64) 
Wednesday: speedwork
THURSDAY was the day I ran a half marathon outside and by the time I hit 10 miles I knew I had done serious damage. I didn't know I was that sick until it was too late. 
STREAK: So I challenged myself to this mile streak. Two days this week I had a temperature that I had to run just 1 mile. I bundled up like the Michelin Man and loaded up on meds. I didn't really run, I just tried to stay upright. 
I just kept telling myself, "You can do anything for 15 minutes Anita. 
This is NOT a free commercial to follow my training. But it is a little motivational nudge to challenge yourself. 
Stop quitting and start trying. 

In Peace, Not Pieces, 

Monday, February 3, 2025

The Trails Less Traveled: preparing for the 100

Making crazy goals and doing stupid things means I had to be accountable to myself. Sulfur Springs 100 miler in May was a Christmas gift from Andy. Training for a 100-mile race means you really never stop training. And never stop trusting God to direct you and keep you, especially when you have not been able to dodge the Michigan cold season. That is why, despite feeling like garbage, I still laced up my shoes and headed out the door to do Mondays version of dumb stuff.

Of course, making the decisions when you feel awful is easy-you just DON'T make them. Thats how I ended up at Indian Springs. It was one of 4 choices:
  1. Indian Springs
  2. Kensington
  3. GAC
  4. Richfield Park
It came down to a digital coin toss that sealed my fate!

I've been running at Indian Springs for over 20 years. It's straightforward 8-mile lollipop-shaped paved trail: 3 miles straight out, a 2-mile loop, and then back. There are only so many ways to run it. And yet, today, we somehow squeezed out 18 miles while barely touching the pavement.  

The Trails less Traveled

"There is magic in misery. Just ask any runner." Dean Karnazes
After about 3 miles of slipping and skating on slick, icy pavement, we made the executive decision (not mine, obviously) to hit the trails. Since I felt awful, my main priority was not making decisions. So, I followed along blindly, hoping for the best. 

As the miles and trails tangled together, we just trusted the process or at least trusting whoever looked the most confident, NOT ME.  The fog made everything eerily creepy. Or maybe it was the last 2 nights of horror films I had watched that had me a little paranoid! I was too tired to care. My head was swimming, my nose was running, and my energy was somewhere back at the car wishing I had just stayed in bed. 

I had made the 18-mile goal the night before when I still felt decent. One minute we were cruising along, and the next we were ankle deep in crusty, icy snow, questioning Monday's choices. Several times I was informed that we had already run the same trail two or three times. It looked familiar but at that point, everything was a blur. 

Was I lost? NO. Did I know where I was? Also NO. But I didn't have to know. 
Here are a few things I DO know with Sulfur Springs:

"You don't stop running because you get old, you get old because you stop running." Jack Kirk
  1. 16 weeks away
  2. A 20K loop course
  3. Nestled in the Niagra Escarpment
  4. 16 weeks out: average weekly miles, 63. 

"If you start to feel good during an ultra, don't worry- you'll get over it." Gene Thibeault
The TRAIL less traveled didn't prove to be any easier. And many miles I questioned when we would get back to some steady footing. But I tried to not focus on the END. Rather the original GOAL. If I fast forwarded too much, I would miss the lessons in the in between. 
Isn't that what we do? We forget to soak the training portion up. Embrace the hard climbs, we get discouraged with the obstacles and getting lost along the way. These are all part of the training. 
Today, I was trying in my miserable state to not be negative. 
There are parts of trail running, or any running that teaches you the grit, that offer lessons every mile on resilience and patience. 
When we are just trying to achieve the GOAL, we miss the beauty in between. 

In Peace, not Pieces


Monday, January 27, 2025

When the Moment stops.

"It's your reaction to adversity, not adversity itself that determined how your life's story will develop." 
Dieter F Uchtdorf 

 I am a creature of routine. My mornings are my favorite part of the day. I am usually up by 6am, coffee in hand just minutes later and peacefully spending quiet time in the word. 
Structure is essential for my special brain; the ADHD is like a ping pong ball without it. Routine keeps me focused, grounded and a lil more prepared.

Last week, snow forced me to the gym as it has for the last several weeks truth be told. I usually love running in the mornings, that's my jam. Snow, ice, sub-zero temps had me heading to the gym. I had been running the track and the thought of doing it another day seemed daunting, I decided I would change it up and head on the dreadmill. 
I figured I could get through anything with a good playlist and a goal. 
10 miles on the dreadmill then 5 miles on the track. STICK to the PLAN. 

I started strong. A nice conversational pace. I thought I would increase the pace slightly over the ten miles to change it up a bit. The miles clicked by, the music was motivating and before I knew it,  I was more than halfway done and feeling positive I would finish in good spirits. 

Then suddenly the dreadmill came to a slow STOP. I was thrown off my game entirely. That rhythm was GONE, my headspace chaotic. I punched buttons, trying to fix it quickly, but frustration only made it worse. For a moment, I felt like QUITTING. The thought of giving up seemed easier than restarting especially with the time I had lost. 

After a few minutes but what felt like forever, I got the dreadmill moving again, but something was different. 
My legs felt heavier. 
My motivation had waned. 
Every step was harder than before. 
I found myself looking at the digit on the dreadmill like time was just standing still. 
That silly interruption I let derail me, and now it felt like the simple act of moving forward required more effort than I thought I was capable of. 

I had 3 miles left, none of them got any easier but it gave me space to reflect on "when the moments stop." 

I thought of how we have these moments in life we are just cruising through. We have a good rhythm going when suddenly the rug gets pulled out from underneath us. 
Our routine stops, our rhythm gets interrupted and its hard to wind back up again. 
When relationships stop.
When our jobs stop.
When our health stop.
When loved ones stop.
When our finances stop. 
It can feel unbearable, devastating, confusing, and sometimes the world seems impossible to move through. 
Interruptions in life-whether minor or monumental- trips us up and we can feel like we lost our momentum. 
They remind me of how fragile our plans are and how quickly things can change. It's in the moments, though, that we have a choice: do we let the interruption define me or do I CHOOSE to keep moving even if it looks different and even if it is more difficult? 
Restarting that treadmill wasn't that simple. 
Similar to restarting after moments stop isn't easy.
 It can sometimes take COURAGE to keep running when your legs feel like lead, your stamina is sidelined, and my mind is trying to figure it all out.
It takes FAITH to keep going when your heart is heavy.
But it's in the struggle to move forward that we grow stronger. 
Each small step is a victory. 
Each attempt to RESTART is an act of resilience. 

When the Tm stopped last week, it wasn't the end of my run-it was a reminder of the perseverance I'm capable of. 
MOMENTS STOP.  But we don't have to. 
Take a BREATH. 
Practice the PAUSE. 
Give yourself some GRACE. 
Adjust your stride maybe in RUNNING and maybe in LIFE but don't stop moving. The rhythm may not feel the same right away and you may never get it back but with time you'll find a groove. And when you do, you'll realize your stronger for having endured the moment stopped. 
JAN 20-JAN 26
DISTANCE: 61miles
TERRAIN: Track, TM, Richfield Park, Indian Springs here and there.
GO-TO'S: I usually make my own smoothies, but I keep these Chobani on hand when I am low on time. I am not a fan of protein bars until I found Barebells, 20G of protein and 0 added sugar in both products. 

"When we learn how to become resilient, we learn how to embrace the beautifully broad spectrum of the human experience. " Jaeda Dewalt

In Peace not Pieces, Anita

Monday, January 20, 2025

3 P's with Purpose


This past Sunday, I was home alone all afternoon. Andy had gone to the Auto Show, leaving me with plenty of time to lollygag. It was too cold to run errands-or maybe I was just too lazy. 
Too unmotivated. Too gray. Too this, too that!

So, I stayed in my favorite sweatpants, dilly-dallied around the house, and watched 2 episodes of Matlock with Kathy Bates while doing laundry. But soon enough, I felt like I was about to come out of my skin. The day just creaked by each hour slower than the last. 

Days like this can lead me into a slump. If I'm not careful, too many "too gray" days pile up, and I find myself slipping into a place that's hard to climb out of. Stinking thinking starts to settle in, and those old voices go on replay. 

Running, writing and staying close to the Lord helps me process those thoughts and walk them out. I can take my struggles to the Lord, who counsels and encourages me. 
Recently. I stumbled across some notes I'd written back in 2013 and found 3 SIMPLE REMINDERS for days when I'm feeling low:

THE THREE P'S: Possibilities, Potential, and Perspective. 

"With God, all things are possible." -Matthew 19:26

Even in a slumber, we can be reminded that God has endless POSSIBILITIES for our life. What feels small, insignificant, or mundane to me is never too small in His eyes. It is amazing to think what we consider ordinary; The Lord considers an opportunity for something extraordinary. When we shift our focus on His POSSIBILITIES, the gray begins to lift. 

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jer. 29:11

God doesn't just see what is-He sees what CAN be. He sees our POTENTIAL even when we feel stuck in sweatpants and slumping around the house! Every day is another chance to grow, to learn, and to be transformed. 
Even in winter, there's potential for new life. I have to remember that growth often happens in the unseen, much like seeds under the frozen Michigan ground. 

  "Set your minds on the things above, not on earthly things." Col. 3:2

Winter, dreary skies, and lazy days are unavoidable. Life isn't about escaping the mess or the dreariness; it's about how we choose to RESPOND to it. When I take my eyes off myself and try to look through the lens of the Lords PERSPECTIVE, everything changes. 
PERSPECTIVE helps us see that even the slow, creaky days have value. God can use them to teach me patience, to help me rest, or to deepen my reliance on Him. 

Earlier that Sunday, I joined friends for a 10-mile run at Kensington Metropark. 

*Total Miles: 61 miles
*Run Streak: Maintained
*Elevation Gain: 2,838 feet
*Terrain Covered: Trails, backroads, indoor track, metro parks

Running helps my mental health. It releases endorphins which act as a natural antidepressant. Reflecting on my days earlier run I realize how it positively impacted my mood. The camaraderie with friends and the park elements always lifts my spirits. 
This season of gray and cold reminds me that I can't control the weather- or the circumstances of life. But I can choose how I respond. On days when I'm feeling low, I have to remember that God's POSSIBILIES, my POTENTIAL, and His PERSPECTIVE can pull me out of the slump. 
I was feeling a bit low when I realized my wounds were self-inflicted, Glory to God. 
J A D A 
Saturdays run club

Monday, January 13, 2025


 "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation..." Phil. 4:12

Another gloomy Michigan day, they have a way of settling into your spirit. But even with the gloom outside, there's always a spark of hope in the goals we set and the progress we make, however small. 
As I reflect on the past year and look forward to the new one, I'm reminded that while I may not be as fast or strong as I once was, there is still so much joy in simply moving forward. 
This year, my goals feel different-NOT less important, but more rooted in Gratitude and Intentionality. 
One of my goals for 2025 is to write more. I am still passionate about running and racing but this year, I'm settling in a little more with contentment and quiet growth. Crushing races and having PR's had a many years and focusing on that at this stage of my running does not carry the same weight. 
I am doing this with my mantra: RELATE, DON'T COMPARE. 


"All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on." Havelock Ellis 

Comparison isn't always about OTHERS: sometimes, it's about measuring ourselves against who we were yesterday. Reflecting on my past can inspire me to grow, it can also hijack me into unrealistic expectations, especially as my body ages and seasons of life changes. 
Rather than striving to outdo my yesterdays, I am going to try and focus on honoring where I am today and celebrate with contentment where the Lord has me. 

Rather than COMPARE, what if I choose to RELATE.
To connect, to empathize, and learn from OTHERS instead of comparing myself.  
As I navigate my 51 years, I am learning to embrace the NOW- My Pace, My Goals, My Journey- without the weight of COMPARISON. 

I ran a marathon on my ship, the Utopia of the Seas. I was on vacation last week. 

2024 GOALS achieved. 
  • Completed a race in every increment
  • Ran my yearly mileage goal- and exceeded it by running over 3,200 miles for the year.
  • I DID NOT complete a race every month. My FIL got gravely ill, we almost lost him. I still ran every month BUT MAY, I did do 2 races a couple of the months. This one I gave myelf grace on. 
Even though I didn't achieve every goal I wanted, I'm carrying those over into 2025 with a little grace for myself. 

2024 RACES:
JAN: In w/ New 5k, Yankee Springs 50miler
FEB: Snow Moon Run 25K, Treasure Coast Marathon, Sailfish 5K
MAR: Pot-O-Gold 4Miler, Blackbeards Revenge 100K, 
APRIL; Thumbcoast 50Miler
JUNE: Kettle Moraine 100
JULY: Bastille 15K, North Country 50K, Crim10miler
AUG: Kaui Marathon 26.2
SEPT: Midwest to Everest 50mile
OCT: Chicago Marathon 26.2
NOV: Flint 5k Turkey Trail Trot, Black toenail 1/2 marathon
DEC: Run Like the Dickens 10K

In Closing, 
"Gratitude turns what we have into ENOUGH." Anonymous

As these winter days collect, and I find myself wearing my favorite sweatpants day after day trying to keep myself out of a slumber, I am reminded to rest in contentment. My morning run was really rough, we were on the back roads of Metamora and the terrain was like running in mashed potatoes. Even though I had micro spikes I couldn't get any grip. I wanted to quit 5 miles in. The winds were blistering coming off the open farms and the hills were relentless. My original goal was 20 miles. I wanted to quit after 3 miles. I made it to 17 miles by the grace of God. In the quiet space of suffering I heard my breath, loud and exhausted, my hip was on fire and my hamstrings were so tight I thought they were going to snap. But it was the voices of discouragement that was screaming the most. I thought back to the days when I would run without pain and full of power, that voice needed to be silenced. I had to flip the script without comparing but with contentment. 
Not comparison, rather contentment. A heart of gratitude. Each day finding things to be thankful for. And giving myself grace in the areas I fall short. 
Even on my worst day, I am so blessed. 

"Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for." Epicurus

In Peace, not Pieces,

66 times around ships track to conclude a marathon. This was a first for me, run a marathon on the ocean! I was so blessed to have my coworkers there to encourage mand cheer me on!