"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, Who is in you, Whom you have received from God? ... So use every part of your body to give glory back to God..." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Thursday, July 12, 2018

My Exciting News.

My idea of exciting news is probably not your idea of exciting news.

No, I didn't win the lottery, I'm too broke to buy a ticket.
No, my money tree in the backyard did not start yielding fruit.
No, I am not the next contestant on the Price is Right.

Yes, it pertains to a little dream I have had...
I have a wish list of races and marathons that I want to run (As long as I can still run).
One of these marathons is a lottery and voted one of the best marathons to run by Runners World.
Marine Corp Marathon.
Sadly, it is really hard to get into. CRAZY though, because my Sister-in-Law put both her and my brother in the lottery and BAM! They BOTH were selected!
My brother called me up in a tail spin when he found out several weeks ago. . He was in a panic on what he was going to do.
I, of course was like..."AHH, give it to ME! I'll run it with Leeanne!"
That was not really an option. This would be Leeannes FIRST marathon!

From that moment, I was on a mission. I put my name in several different social media sites and even succumbed to the idea of doing a charity for Woman in Burma, I would only have to raise 550$. That seemed doable.

I am part of a local running club site that shared a post looking for someone to transfer their MCM registration.
It had posted 2 days prior and I knew it would be snatched up.
I private messaged the guy and gave him my sob story. I explained that I really wanted to run this marathon but I didn't get in. And to make matters worse, my brother and sister-in-law got in and I would LOVE to be there and run with them. I explained that no matter what I was already planning on going out there to support them but it would be awesome if I could run it with them.
HE REPLIED " it is yours if you want it. Transfer opens on Wednesday".
He continued adding after I told him it was a "dream come true for me to be there for my brother and his wife..." saying "That is great that you will be doing it with them to support them. I love the MCM.....I am glad it is going to a good cause...."
This really is a DREAM come true. More than running MCM, running with my family. Leeanne has always been so supportive and encouraging to me. I cant wait to be there for her. Now, I am just hoping she is as excited as I am! 

My Weekly Rundown;
Sunday: Backroads
15 miles

Monday: Trails, Holly Rec. & Holdridge North loop

Wednesday: Roads
7 miles

Thursday: Trails, Holly Rec Wilderness loop x 3.
18 miles

TOTAL Miles: 61 miles
I am shocked to add that number up. I didn't know I put in that many miles, this explains why I feel like a slug and was breathing like death on the trail today.

In Other News...
MCM was NOT the only amazing thing that happened to me this week. I also won "MEET and GREET" passes to see my favorite musician, David Crowder. 
David Crowder signing my shirt! I was like a school girl. I dressed ridiculous to catch his eye during the concert...it worked. That and the fact that I was one of the only ones standing up and acting like a baffoon while everyone else was sitting. You only live once. 

Love Yourself,
because you are amazing.
Never Quit,
because dreams are worth it and success isn't easy.
Enjoy the Little Things,
they make big differences.
Live for the Adventure,
because you only live once.
Give yourself Grace,
no ones perfect, mistakes are part of the process. 

The words I wrote on a graduation card. #truth


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