"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, Who is in you, Whom you have received from God? ... So use every part of your body to give glory back to God..." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Sunday, March 4, 2018

The Prayerful runner.

I have prayed for life, I have prayed for death
I have prayed for forgiveness, understanding and wisdom.
I have prayed for circumstances, relationships, and open doors.
I have prayed selfishly, humbly and irresponsibly.
I have prayed for my yesterdays, my todays and my tomorrows.

And the reality is most of them have probably not been answered the way I wanted.

But...I never quit praying.

Praying gives me hope, it opens up my communication with God. He gives me peace in my pain, in my disappointments and protects me from a hardened heart.

My first 18 years of life, I was dealt a pretty crappy set of cards. Just as many others have been dealt as well.
It is only through my prayers that I am where I am today. God healed my broken heart, constantly mending it, reminding me that I am a overcomer. For each door he shut, he opened another. I only saw those opened doors through my prayers, he directed me down a path He equipped me to go.

Many times I believed God hated me.
Why? Why? Why? What have I done that is so bad that you keep hurting me?

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jer. 29:11

AND many times, God has answered my prayers abundantly.

When it comes to running I seek him in prayer there as well.
I pray for safetly, for recovery, for strength and many other details that might seem ridiculous.
Prayer is part of my communication.

Today,I took off thanking God for an amazing afternoon to run. Gratitude.
I prayed for safety and for strength.
And I smiled. For 7 miles I smiled. I waved as cars graciously moved over to let me run on the road. I waved at cars that waited for me to cross the intersection. And even the two cars that didn't see me and almost ran me over, I smiled and gave them a thumbs up when they apologized for not seeing me.
I felt amazing. My breathing was easy and I kept waiting for the bottom to fall out on my run. I waited to bonk..I waited to get a side stitch but it never came. My pace was so consistent it seemed to good to be true.

7 miles @ a 8:33min/mi. I wasn't winded until the last half a mile uphill towards home. I had no pain, no issues, and no problems.
However, on my run, in my solitude I kept hearing this: You need to run more solo runs if you are going to train harder.

Prayer is my quiet time. It is in this time I hear Him. I really didn't want to hear this, but I know it to be true.
Less than 6 weeks to train.
I am going to embrace some solo runs. Do the work, and continue to pray for His will.

DISTANCE: 19 miles
MISC. LSD w/ Lacey, overshot our miles, last mile walked it in. pavement/backraods

DISTANCE; 7 miles
MISC. Holly Rec. Ran a loop w/ the girls and an extra mile-ish. I lost my phone, it was in my car the whole time! trails

DISTANCE; 13.25miles
MISC. Team Squishy Toes fun run. Holly Rec. 2 loops. Solid run. trails

DISTANCE: 6 miles
MISC. 7am run. 5 miles solid, last mile recovery, run/walk.  pavement

DISTANCE: 7 miles
MISC. Solid run. windy. pavement.

Total weekly miles: 52.25

An evening of green tea and smiles.


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