"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, Who is in you, Whom you have received from God? ... So use every part of your body to give glory back to God..." 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Two Timer!

Doubling up for double digits! I ran 4 miles this afternoon with Andy. Today I wanted to run 10 miles. But the heat was a thorn in my side. I knew Andy wanted to run so I decided to run 4 with him then my 6 later when the sun went down by myself.
Andy and I geared up not only on drinking water but also water to pour on ourselves during our run! Our own mobile sprinkler! Before I left the house I pulled my hair back in a tight messy bun and a head band. Then I took a water bottle and sprayed my hair down.  The idea was a to create a cooling system.

We took off and had a great run. We stayed mostly in the shade on dirt roads. Andy was doing an 11&1. So after 11 minutes we would walk for 1 minute. I have to say the whole run was very pleasant.
As we were coming to mile 3 Andy asked me to take the lead. I usually run behind him so I do not mess his pace up. So I moved ahead. When we heard that familiar BEEP BEEP BEEP we came down to our walk pace. I asked Andy why he wanted me ahead and he responded "To help me keep THAT pace, to challenge me."
About that time I heard that "SHUT UP AND RUN BEEP"! And off we went. We only had about 500 feet to go and Andy again says, "Take the lead, GO!"
And then we were finished. When we caught our breath Andy reviewed our run on the Garmin. He was elated! One of the best runs he has had. And it made me feel so great when he said " Thats why I like running with you." Can I just tell you what that meant to me. I am still grinning!

TIT for TAT...whatever exactly that means!! To me I believe it means you scratch my back and I will scratch yours! After our run Andy was thankful that I had ran with him and my response was " Hey not like you enjoy going to the track and timing me!"  Yup, I helped Andy and he has to help me at the track this week. Tit for tat!

Gratitude Log..Turning that frown upside down...
*The central air went out this week..I always say to run in the elements..I guess I should sleep in them too!
Thankful for the roof over my head.
* Dog sitting this week and Sheba and Winnie ran after neighbors cat...They had to put the cat down 3 days later!
Thankful we didn't buy the trampoline and had the money for vet bill!
*Listened to a lot of people with tears this week, very emotional week.
Thankful that others trust me enough to share their hurts and allow me to love on them.

'Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity.... It turns problems into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.' ~ Melodie Beattie 

The Run Down:
Our average pace for the first 4 miles was 9:35

Mile 5: 8:27
Mile 6: 8:06
Mile 7: 7:38
Mile 8: 7:49
Mile 9: 7:42
Mile 10: 7:35


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