There are a million things telling us, shouting at us, whispering to us we are not good enough, we aren't strong enough, we are not skilled enough, talented enough, smart enough, rich enough, let the list go on.
Dialogue that wants to keep us alone, insecure, weak, scared and confused.
But everyone else seem as though they are more..have more...understand more...
We look to the left.
We look to the right.
We look at illusions and misguided information and Pause.
We forget to press play and get stuck on stupid.
"And then there was YOU..."
Press Play.
You are enough.
You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
You are what you say you are.
The strongest woman in my life, the greatest inspiration to me was my Grandma. She lived to be 99.9 years old. Well under 5" tall and under 100lbs soaking wet she was not one to reckon with. Oh that woman, tough as nails, stoic, God fearing and Irish. She was fearless. She outlived all her siblings, her husband and 3 of her 4 children. She knew in her loneliness she was never alone. She knew she was ENOUGH. She was confident and strong.
And that is what she taught me.
Her spirit was tested by even the very ones that loved her. She never wavered. Oh yes, it hurt but she stayed firm. Because she was CONFIDENT in the LORD.
Her Identity was in HIM.
Her Strength was in HIM.
Her Security was from HIM.
When the pains of life wanted to hide her, dim her light, when they wanted her to feel insignificant, She was reminded "Then there was YOU.." And she stood confidently. If only to teach me through her testimony.
As I step into 2021, I refuse to give in to anything less than greatness. I am amazing.
Not because I made myself that way. But because HE says I am. Because I had a woman speak into me. Speak into my brokenness, speak into my insecurity, speak into my loneliness. When I didn't know God, she spoke into me Godliness, teaching me, building me, preparing me. That is why...
I am going all in.
I am going to work hard for everything incredible.
I am going to keep dreaming.
I am going to keep believing.
I am going to keep setting goals.
I am going to keep loving, and smiling, and being kind.
At 47, I am not giving up.
This week has been an epic week.
A week back to work and still finding balance to work out.
Christa at work wanted to do a step challenge with Michelle. I interrupted asking if I could join. I felt like a little kid, "Can I, Can I pleeease play with you guys?!"
I pulled out some poster board out of the back room and we made a calendar. I reassured them "Its accountability NOT competition."
Friday came and even though I was busy and booked at work I was NOT able to get my 10,000 steps in. I FAILED the first week! Just because you FAIL does not mean your a FAILURE.
This week I ran 48 miles, biked 20 miles and hiked another 6 miles.
I just kept trying. I got up early, I had a double run one day and stayed positive and motivated.
I changed my mantra speaking inspiration into myself.
I removed all negativity.
I really stayed home all week trying to stay away from distractions.
My amazing Sis in LOVE, Deb made me this shirt! I wore this tank and found myself so inspired. I biked 20 miles then jumped on the track for a progressive 4 mile run. As I finished my run, tears streamed down my face. I tried to hide my joyful tears as I was overcome with gratitude. So grateful God is restoring me. |
"And then there was YOU..."
You are NOT what others say you are.
You Define Yourself.
You live your life, everyday with yourself.
SPEAK LIFE into yourself. Speak kindness into yourself.
Cut your losses. Remove the negativity.
Don't hold yourself hostage to feelings that don't bring you life.
Kayla, Melissa and I playing in the woods.
Isaiah 43:18-19
"Do not remember past events, pay no attention to things of old. Look, I am about to do something new; even now it is coming. Do you not see it? Indeed, I will make a way in the wilderness, rivers in the desert."
2021. And then there was YOU.
Its time to move FORWARD. It's time to do things NEW again. Keep Dreaming. Keep Believing.