Monday, January 13, 2025


 "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation..." Phil. 4:12

Another gloomy Michigan day, they have a way of settling into your spirit. But even with the gloom outside, there's always a spark of hope in the goals we set and the progress we make, however small. 
As I reflect on the past year and look forward to the new one, I'm reminded that while I may not be as fast or strong as I once was, there is still so much joy in simply moving forward. 
This year, my goals feel different-NOT less important, but more rooted in Gratitude and Intentionality. 
One of my goals for 2025 is to write more. I am still passionate about running and racing but this year, I'm settling in a little more with contentment and quiet growth. Crushing races and having PR's had a many years and focusing on that at this stage of my running does not carry the same weight. 
I am doing this with my mantra: RELATE, DON'T COMPARE. 


"All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on." Havelock Ellis 

Comparison isn't always about OTHERS: sometimes, it's about measuring ourselves against who we were yesterday. Reflecting on my past can inspire me to grow, it can also hijack me into unrealistic expectations, especially as my body ages and seasons of life changes. 
Rather than striving to outdo my yesterdays, I am going to try and focus on honoring where I am today and celebrate with contentment where the Lord has me. 

Rather than COMPARE, what if I choose to RELATE.
To connect, to empathize, and learn from OTHERS instead of comparing myself.  
As I navigate my 51 years, I am learning to embrace the NOW- My Pace, My Goals, My Journey- without the weight of COMPARISON. 

I ran a marathon on my ship, the Utopia of the Seas. I was on vacation last week. 

2024 GOALS achieved. 
  • Completed a race in every increment
  • Ran my yearly mileage goal- and exceeded it by running over 3,200 miles for the year.
  • I DID NOT complete a race every month. My FIL got gravely ill, we almost lost him. I still ran every month BUT MAY, I did do 2 races a couple of the months. This one I gave myelf grace on. 
Even though I didn't achieve every goal I wanted, I'm carrying those over into 2025 with a little grace for myself. 

2024 RACES:
JAN: In w/ New 5k, Yankee Springs 50miler
FEB: Snow Moon Run 25K, Treasure Coast Marathon, Sailfish 5K
MAR: Pot-O-Gold 4Miler, Blackbeards Revenge 100K, 
APRIL; Thumbcoast 50Miler
JUNE: Kettle Moraine 100
JULY: Bastille 15K, North Country 50K, Crim10miler
AUG: Kaui Marathon 26.2
SEPT: Midwest to Everest 50mile
OCT: Chicago Marathon 26.2
NOV: Flint 5k Turkey Trail Trot, Black toenail 1/2 marathon
DEC: Run Like the Dickens 10K

In Closing, 
"Gratitude turns what we have into ENOUGH." Anonymous

As these winter days collect, and I find myself wearing my favorite sweatpants day after day trying to keep myself out of a slumber, I am reminded to rest in contentment. My morning run was really rough, we were on the back roads of Metamora and the terrain was like running in mashed potatoes. Even though I had micro spikes I couldn't get any grip. I wanted to quit 5 miles in. The winds were blistering coming off the open farms and the hills were relentless. My original goal was 20 miles. I wanted to quit after 3 miles. I made it to 17 miles by the grace of God. In the quiet space of suffering I heard my breath, loud and exhausted, my hip was on fire and my hamstrings were so tight I thought they were going to snap. But it was the voices of discouragement that was screaming the most. I thought back to the days when I would run without pain and full of power, that voice needed to be silenced. I had to flip the script without comparing but with contentment. 
Not comparison, rather contentment. A heart of gratitude. Each day finding things to be thankful for. And giving myself grace in the areas I fall short. 
Even on my worst day, I am so blessed. 

"Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for." Epicurus

In Peace, not Pieces,

66 times around ships track to conclude a marathon. This was a first for me, run a marathon on the ocean! I was so blessed to have my coworkers there to encourage mand cheer me on!

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