Thursday, April 17, 2014

Running with your Brain

Smart People learn from their mistakes, Brilliant people learn from others.
I have made plenty of mistakes. I have learned that most mistakes cause pain. And I lot of it.
I have always been that person who wants to absorbs all the information I can. Probably because I know 50% of it I will forget within 5 minutes of me carrying on. And the other 45% I will mess all up. If I get 5% of the most important stuff down it is a good day!
In March of 2011, My IT band bared its ugliness. He became I unwanted running partner. I went out to Clint Verrans office for physical therapy. He is considered the "Run Guru". He himself has ran Boston, coming 10th overall a few years back and also running the Olympic trials. This one of the best experiences I have had with physical therapy.
Because my injury was so close to my first Boston Marathon, I knew I had to run with more than my legs.
You do not have to have a brain to run. Even the Scarecrow from the Wizard of Oz could run a Marathon. If you have the Heart of a Lion you can run wherever your legs take you.
However, if you want to run with a purpose and effectively...Make it to OZ for a Brain.
Knowledge is Power.
I took that time with Clint not only to have him help rehabilitate me but also to absorb his knowledge of the course.
I knew that my Heart way the driving force. I also knew that there was a chance that my legs might fail me. I needed the Knowledge of the course and how to run with the best use of my legs.
"Clint I need all the info I can get on the Boston Marathon..." With out hesitation he says "OK..I will help you with everything I can".  Here are the main points...
  1. The First 16  miles is all slow decline
  2. Don't let the decline make you loose your pace..steady & smooth..Like your running on EGGSHELLS.
  3. At 16 there are a set of 4 hills called the Newton Hills..The fourth is the well know Heartbreak Hill.
  4. These 4 hills go on about 4 miles and are about a half a mile long a piece.
  5. This is why you do not want to blaze out of the gate because the hills will kill your quads and hamstrings and you will need all you energy here. ( you will feel good but DON'T.)
  6. From mile 22 to the finish is goes back into a steady decline all the way in.
  7. There are no pacers at the Boston..Try very hard to keep your pace so you don't bottom out!
  8. The race doesn't start till 10am so be careful how you eat.
  9. Clint got a PR at Boston. He came in 10th place OVERALL in 2006!
  10. You will go around a curve and then the HILLS start! This is one of the only curves in the race because it is a straight course.
Here is a Great Link sharing the MILE by Mile Rundown of the Course. Boston Mile by Mile.

When you see the Chevron SIGN you are on the homeward stretch!!!


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